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Lord Erin is a minor character appearing in All Clues Lead to Channon, the first scenario of the The Magnificent One campaign in Winds of War.

Mysterio the Magnificent, ruler of the desert kingdom of Qassar, is looking for the secret of immortality, and he believes that the rulers of Channon can tell him how to achieve it. Lord Erin knows where the secret is kept, and Mysterio attempts to seek him out - but he is unable to force his way past the magical gate protecting his estate until the Lord of a castle he conquered gives him the password.

Once inside, Mysterio is shown to an audience chamber where "a portly man sits in an overstuffed chair." Lord Erin offers a drink, attempting to poison the mage, and when that fails, he pulls a knife and attacks. Mysterio wins, forcing the lord to give him the location of the tower where the secret is supposedly kept.

When Mysterio learns the tower is empty, he realizes that Lord Erin lied to him, and wovs revenge.
