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For other uses of the term, see logistics.

Logistics is a skill in Heroes of Might and Magic V.


Logistics gives the hero increased movement on the adventure map.

  • Basic Logistics increases hero's movement speed over land by 10%.
  • Advanced Logistics increases hero's movement speed over land by 20%.
  • Expert Logistics increases hero's movement speed over land by 30%.

Skill rates[]

The hero classes can learn Logistics skill and its abilities at following probabilities:


Icon Name Description Class Requirements
Original / Hammers of Fate Tribes of the East
H5Navigation Navigation Increases hero's movement speed at sea by 50%. All classes No requirement
H5Pathfinding Pathfinding Reduces penalty for moving through rough terrain by 50%. All classes No requirement
H5Scouting Scouting Hero receives +4 to their range of view and gets an ability to see precise number of creatures in neutral troops, in enemy armies, towns, and garrisons with their range of view. All classes No requirement
H5DeathMarch Death march All hero's troops gain +4 speed during the siege of an enemy castle. Necromancer Pathfinding
Knight Familiar ground Pathfinding
Warlock Teleport assault
Barbarian, Demon Lord, Ranger, Runemage, Wizard N/A
H5FamiliarGround Familiar ground All creatures in hero's army receive +2 movement speed if the battle is taking place on grass terrain. Knight Pathfinding
Ranger Silent stalker Pathfinding, silent stalker
H5MarchoftheGolems March of the Golems All golems under hero's command have their speed and initiative increased by +2. Wizard Pathfinding
H5SilentStalker Silent stalker The enemy will see only the strongest creature in hero's army with no number at all. Also this ability allows the hero to see the courage of neutral monsters and enlarges hero's field of view by twelve tiles. Ranger Scouting Deadeye shot
Necromancer Death march Scouting
Barbarian, Demon Lord Knight, Runemage, Warlock, Wizard N/A
H5SwiftGating Swift gating The next turn of the unit who performs gating will come twice faster than normal. Demon Lord Pathfinding Consume corpse
H5TeleportAssault Teleport assault Hero aquires Teleportation spell and the ability to cast it with assault effect, increasing the initiative of creatures being teleported. Demon Lord Swift gating, consume corpse Pathfinding, swift gating
Warlock Scouting Pathfinding
Wizard March of the golems
Runemage N/A
H5Snatch Snatch
The hero spends no movement points to pick up resources, access buildings or boats and other similar actions. Runemage Pathfinding Pathfinding, scouting
Knight, Necromancer, Warlock, Wizard N/A
Barbarian Warpath
Demon Lord Pathfinding, hellfire
Ranger Pathfinding, silent stalker
H5SwiftMind Swift mind
Hero receives +25% bonus to initiative at start of combat. Runemage Snatch, refresh rune Scouting
Barbarian, Demon Lord, Knight, Necromancer, Ranger, Warlock, Wizard N/A
H5Warpath Warpath
The hero gets 350 additional movement points for every victory on the map. All classes N/A Pathfinding


  • Rutger, a Haven hero, is a specialist in Logistics, for his movement points are increased by 1% per two hero levels.
  • Grok, an Inferno hero, is a specialist in Logistics, for his movement points are increased by 5% + 1% per four hero levels.
  • Boots of the Swift Journey artifact increases the hero's movement.
  • Boots of the Open Road artifact negates all terrain penalties.
  • All-seeing crown artifact increases the scouting radius.
  • Sextant of the Sea Elves artifact increases the movement over sea.
  • Urghat, a Stronghold hero, is a specialist in Logistics and pathfinding, for her movement points are increased by 1% per three hero levels, and has terrain penalties reduced by 2% per hero level.