Life Magic is a school of magic in Heroes of Might and Magic IV. Using these spells requires the hero to learn the appropriate level of Life Magic skill.
The hero can learn Life Magic spells by visiting holy cathedral magic guild in Haven towns, clerical library in Academy towns and Conservatory of Life in Preserve towns. The hero can learn all Life Magic spells if they carry the Tome of Life, up to their level of expertise in Life Magic.
Level 1[]
Level 1 spells cost 2 mana to cast.
Icon | Spell | Category | Description | Blurb | Notes |
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Bind wound | Blessings | Bind Wound heals a number of points of damage based on the level of the caster. | In my youth, I followed armies in the hospital wagons. There were so many of us, acolytes with no powers except the ability to close the wounds of the injured.OffBck | Bind wound can be cast outside combat, on a target hero. |
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Bless | Blessings | Bless causes the target to inflict maximum damage. | I foolishly left the hospital wagons, donning armor and joining the battle. There I supported the troops as well as healed them.OffBck | Bless can be cast by a hero that has wand of blesses artifact equipped. The effect of this spell can be replaced by curse. A hero drinking holy water has this effect. |
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Exorcism | Blessings | Exorcism removes all negative spells from a single friendly target. | Sometimes, the enemy tried to drag down our brave soldiers with their evil enchantments. These kind of spells can bring army to ruin.OffBck | Exorcism does not remove the effects of poison, plague or stun. |
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Holy word | Damaging spells | Holy Word does damage to a single Death creature based on the level of the caster. | The power of Life concentrated in a single word - it's as good as a sword against those with evil souls.OffBck | Holy word's damage can be affected by the target's Luck modifier. |
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Spiritual armor | Blessings | Spiritual Armor increases its Melee and Ranged Defense of a friendly target by 25%. | Real armor wears a man down after hours of battle. Something lighter was needed for those of us who were in an inferior physical condition.OffBck | Heroes with Prophet class have this ability. |
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Summon ship | N/A | Summon Ship causes a single ship to appear at the caster's present location on the adventure map. | I was stranded when they sunk my ship. At least the rain brought fresh water or I might have perished. Unfortunately, it took three weeks before someone found me. Never again!OffBck | Summon ship only works when the hero is standing on a tile near water terrain. The boat must be under the player's ownership. This spell is never offered to the hero as a starting spell (at the beginning of a map or when they learn Basic Life Magic skill). |
Level 2[]
Level 2 spells cost 3 mana to cast.
Icon | Spell | Category | Description | Blurb | Notes |
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Chaos ward | Blessings | The target of a Chaos Ward is 50% resistant to Chaos spells, and their Melee and Ranged Defense is increased by 50% against Chaos-aligned opponents. | I buried a friend once who succumbed to a sorcerer's spells after bravely using his own magic to save the people around him first.OffBck | Titans, heroes with Monk class or a hero equipped with Order armor artifact have this ability. |
A hero equipped with ice scales artifact has this ability. ![]() | |||||
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Death ward | Blessings | The target of a Death Ward is 50% resistant to Chaos spells, and their Melee and Ranged Defense is increased by 50% against Death-aligned opponents. | Our greatest and darkest enemy, the necromancers, needs our strongest defense.OffBck | Crusaders, monks, heroes with Paladin class, a hero equipped with Life armor artifact or a hero drinking holy water have this ability. |
A hero equipped with ring of light artifact has this ability. ![]() | |||||
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Defender | Blessings | Defender increases the Melee and Ranged Defense of all friendly targets by 50% when they are defending against an attack. | The beauty of defense is if you know what your enemy is up to, then you can respond accordingly. Less chances of mistakes that way.OffBck | |
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Heal | Blessings | Heal cures a target of a number of Hit Points based on the level of the caster. Heal is also capable of curing Poison and Plague. | Show me a man who walks into a sick tent with no thought of his own health and I'll show you a brave man.OffBck | Heal can be cast outside combat, on a target hero. This spell can be cast by a hero carrying a wand of healing. |
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Heavenly shield | Blessings | Heavenly Shield can only be cast on the caster, giving additional Hit Points based on the caster's level. | The heavens protect those who serve. Some better than others. And then sometimes you have to protect yourself.OffBck | Heavenly shield absorbs the damage the hero would take. The additional Hit Points granted by this effect cannot be healed. |
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Martyr | Blessings | Martyr is cast on a friendly target. All the damage done to a second friendly target will then be transferred to the recipient of the spell. This effect lasts for the entire combat. | What a beautiful and selfless act for someone to surrender their own life so that another can survive!OffBck | The damage depends on the melee, ranged defense or magic resistance of the first target, which is then inflicted on the second target. |
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Mirth | Blessings | Mirth gives the target maximum morale. | Later in my career, I talked to the troops before I led them into battle. I prayed and explained that their sarifices would not be forgotten. And they all fought like heroes.OffBck | Satyrs and genies can cast this spell. Heroes with Crusader class have this ability. The effect of this spell can be replaced by sorrow. |
A hero equipped with harmonic chainamil artifact has this ability. ![]() | |||||
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Nature ward | Blessings | The target of a Nature Ward is 50% resistant to Nature spells, and their Melee and Ranged Defense is increased by 50% against Nature-aligned opponents. | I led the expedition through the dark woods, all of as protected from the evil magic of the witches who dwelled there.OffBck | A hero equipped with Unnatural armor has this ability. |
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Order ward | Blessings | The target of a Order Ward is 50% resistant to Chaos spells, and their Melee and Ranged Defense is increased by 50% against Order-aligned opponents. | Only if we had been able to become allies! We both believed in protecting others. But they still attacked and I had to act to protect my own troops…OffBck | A hero equipped with Chaos armor has this ability. |
A hero equipped with flame of chaos artifact has this ability. ![]() | |||||
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Retribution | Blessings | Retribution is cast on a friendly target. When the enemy attacks the target in melee combat, the attacker will take damage based on the level of the caster. | Pain will be visited upon those who strike me. A holy and righteous pain!OffBck | |
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Song of Peace | Curses | Song of Peace causes an enemy target within the line of sight of the caster to become unable to attack or cast spells on the caster's army during the next turn. | If only a song could end all violence forever, but that is the dream of a young man. I am too old to hope.OffBck | The unit can still retaliate against enemy creatures. This spell does not affect undead or mechanical creatures. This spell removes the effect of berserk. |
A hero equipped with Aiffe's mandolin artifact can cast this spell. ![]() |
Level 3[]
Level 3 spells cost 5 mana to cast.
Icon | Spell | Category | Description | Blurb | Notes |
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Celestial armor | Blessings | Celestial Armor increases the Melee and Ranged Defense of all friendly targets by 25%. | If we have to fight wars to keep back tide of evil, then we should protect those who fight as best as we can.OffBck | |
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Holy shout | Damaging spells | Holy Shout does a number of points of damage based on the level of the caster to all Death creatures. | Demons and undead - come before me, you aberrant beings! I shall purge the world of your evil. I shall clense the stain of your existance!OffBck | Holy shout's damage can be affected by the target's Luck modifier. |
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Mass bless | Blessings | Mass Bless causes all friendly targets to do maximum damage. | An army with a mission, with a common goal, is a strong one. An army with the blessing of the gods is invincible!OffBck | The effect of this spell can be replaced by mass curse. |
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Mass healing | Blessings | Mass Healing cures all friendly targets of a number of points of damage based on the level of the caster. It also cures Poison and Plague on all friendly targets. | As much as it tires me, I never feel better than after I have cured numerous souls of their pain.OffBck | Mass healing can be cast outside combat, and it affects all heroes in the army. |
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Regeneration | Blessings | Regeneration causes the target to regenerate a number of Hit Points every turn based on the level of the caster. | We - every man, woman, and child - are evidence of the incredible power of Life. Cut us and we may bleed. But we heal!OffBck | Trolls and a hero wearing ring of regeneration or brestplate of regeneration have this ability. |
Dark champions and a hero equipped with Might Makes Right artifact set have this ability. ![]() |
Level 4[]
Level 4 spells cost 8 mana to cast.
Icon | Spell | Category | Description | Blurb | Notes |
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Mass Chaos ward | Blessings | Mass Chaos Ward causes all friendly targets to become 50% resistant to Chaos spells, and increases their Melee and Ranged Defense by 50% against Chaos-aligned opponents. | Unfortunately, too often the forces of Chaos are used for evil purposes, and they must be guarded against.OffBck | A hero equipped with Order shield grants this effect to all other units in the army. |
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Mass Death ward | Blessings | Mass Death Ward causes all friendly targets to become 50% resistant to Death spells, and increases their Melee and Ranged Defense by 50% against Death-aligned opponents. | More than any force, we must protect ourselves from unnatural powers of Death!OffBck | A hero equipped with Life shield grants this effect to all other units in the army. |
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Mass exorcism | Blessings | Mass Exorcism removes all negative spells from friendly targets. | I am like a father to my troops. I provide for their spirits, and in times of danger I protect them from the dark touch of the enemy.OffBck | |
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Mass fervor | Blessings | Mass Fervor causes all friendly targets to gain maximum morale. | The war had already been lost, so what did this battle matter? To save the lives of my soldiers, I had to raise their spirits and fill them with hope.OffBck | The effect of this spell can be replaced by mass sorrow. |
A hero equipped with Aiffe's mandolin artifact can cast this spell. ![]() | |||||
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Mass Nature ward | Blessings | Mass Death Ward causes all friendly targets to become 50% resistant to Nature spells, and increases their Melee and Ranged Defense by 50% against Nature-aligned opponents. | The beasts of Nature are unpredictable, so we need a ward to protect us both.OffBck | A hero equipped with Unnatural shield grants this effect to all other units in the army. |
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Mass Order ward | Blessings | Mass Order Ward causes all friendly targets to become 50% resistant to Nature spells, and increases their Melee and Ranged Defense by 50% against Order-aligned opponents. | I have seen what self-righteous are capable of, and I rest easier knowing I have a defense against them.OffBck | A hero equipped with Chaos shield grants this effect to all other units in the army. |
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Prayer | Blessings | Prayer increases the Hit Points and damage of all Life targets by 25%. | Guard us, your servants of Life! Protect our bodies, and if we shall fall take us quickly into your warm embrace!OffBck | Prayer also affects enemy Life units. |
Level 5[]
Level 5 spells cost 12 mana to cast.
Icon | Spell | Category | Description | Blurb | Notes |
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Divine intervention | Blessings | Divine Intervention fully heals and removes all curses (including poison) from all friendly targets. Resurrects dead heroes. | Our commander made a mistake and fell into a trap. Many were injured. Some were dead. Something had to be done, so I raised my hands to the sky and begged for help.OffBck | Divine intervention only resurrects dead heroes in combat if there are no units standing over them. This spell can be used outside combat, and it affects all heroes. |
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Guardian angel | Blessings | Guardian Angel gives the friendly target a number of extra lives based on the level of the caster. The number of targets protected depends on the level of the caster, and no target is protected more than once. | I felt the spirit around me. I couldn't see or hear it, but had the distinct feeling that was my long-departed grandfather. He tickled my knee like he had when I was a child.OffBck | A hero drinking a potion of immortality has this effect. This effect is applied when the targeted unit is dead. |
A hero equipped with flaming sword artifact has this ability. ![]() | |||||
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Sanctuary | Blessings | While under Sanctuary, a friendly target cannot be attacked or affected by spells. No more than one target may be in Sanctuary on each side. If the target takes any action other than "defend", the spell ends. | I seek only safety and an understanding of the world.OffBck | Sanctuary is not removed if a unit moves or waits for a turn. It cannot be removed with dispel/mass dispel or cancellation/mass cancellation spells. |
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This article is in need of image(s), or would greatly benefit from higher quality images. If you happen to have one available, please upload a relevant image and place it here. |
These spells cannot be learned by the hero, but are cast by other methods.
Icon | Spell | Category | Description | Blurb | Notes |
Holy water | Blessings, damaging spells | When a hero drinks it, it casts Bless and Death Ward on the recipient. When thrown at an enemy, it acts as the Holy Word spell. | It can be bought from an order of paladins in a Haven town. | ||
Potion of fire resistance | Blessings | The hero who drinks this potion gains the special Fire Resistance ability for the duration of one combat. | It can be bought from an alchemist's shop in an Academy town. | ||
Potion of mirth | Blessings | Gives the hero who drinks this potion maximum positive morale. | This potion's effect is treated as mirth spell. It can be bought from an order of paladins in a Haven town. | ||
Potion of healing | Blessings | Heals all of the hero's wounds, and also cures Poison and Plague. It can only be used on the owner. | This potion can be consumed outside combat. It can be bought from an order of paladins in a Haven town. | ||
Potion of immortality | Blessings | When a hero who drinks Potion of Immortality dies in combat, he will instantly return to life. This potion can be used before battle, and only wears off once the hero dies. It resurrects the hero only once. | This potion's effect is treated as guardian angel spell. This potion can be consumed outside combat. It can be bought from any blacksmith structure in any town. | ||
Potion of restoration | Blessings | All negative spell effects are removed from the hero who drinks this potion. | This potion's effect is treated as exorcism spell. It can be bought from any blacksmith structure in any town. | ||
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Resurrection | Blessings | Brings a certain number of hit points of dead creatures back to life for each caster. | Resurrection is cast by angels, and costs 20 mana. | |
Rebirth | Blessings | A number of Phoenixes return to life equal to 20% of the original amount. | Rebirth is cast by phoenixes, and costs 12 mana. |