Might and Magic Wiki
For other uses of the term, see leadership.

Leadership is a skill in Heroes of Might and Magic V.


The hero gives a morale bonus to their units.

  • Basic Leadership gives +1 morale.
  • Advanced Leadership gives +2 morale.
  • Expert Leadership gives +3 morale.

Skill rates[]

The hero classes can learn Leadership skill and its abilities at following probabilities:


Icon Name Description Class Requirements
Original / Hammers of Fate Tribes of the East
H5Diplomacy Diplomacy Allows hero to effectively negotiate with hostile creatures. Increases chances and reduces costs of creatures that wish to join your army. All classes No requirement
H5Estates Estates Hero contributes 250 gold pieces per day to your cause. All classes No requirement
H5Recruitment Recruitment Increases weekly growth of first, second, and third level creatures by +3, +2, and +1, respectively. Hero must be stationed within the friendly town on the last day of the week for effect to take place. All classes No requirement
H5ArtificialGlory Artificial glory War Machines and Golems are now affected by positive morale effects (negative morale does not apply). Wizard Estates Diplomacy
H5AuraofSwiftness Aura of Swiftness Combat movement speed of all units in hero army is increased by +1. Knight Divine guidance N/A
Barbarian, Demon Lord N/A Recruitment
Wizard Artificial glory
H5BattleCommander Battle commander Adds +2 to Ranger's attack permanently. War dancers join the Ranger's army to fight for their cause. The number of war dancers depends upon the number of the week. Ranger Recruitment
H5DivineGuidance Divine guidance The hero receives the special combat ability to encourage their troops on a battlefield, making their turns come faster Knight Retaliation strike Recruitment, retaliation strike
Demon Lord, Warlock N/A Diplomacy, recruitment
Ranger Battle commander
Runemage Recruitment, runic attunement
Wizard Artificial glory
H5GateMaster Gate master Gating ability becomes more potent, bringing 20% more reinforcements than normal. Demon Lord Recruitment Diplomacy
H5HeraldOfDeath Herald of Death All neutral creatures which join the Necromancer's army will be automatically transformed into the undead creatures of their respective level. Necromancer Recruitment Eternal servitude
H5Empathy Empathy
Each time when a morale effect is triggered with any of the creatures in the hero's army, the hero moves 10% forward along the ATB bar. Accordingly, when a negative morale effect is triggered, the hero moves 10% back. Runemage Runic attunement, mentoring Diplomacy
Barbarian, Ranger N/A
Demon Lord, Necromancer, Runemage, Warlock, Wizard Diplomacy, arcane exaltation
Knight Divine guidance
H5RunicAttunement Runic attunement
Increases creature morale by +2 for one turn after rune casting. Runemage Diplomacy Greater rune
H5BattleElation Battle elation
Every time a morale effect is triggered with a creature in the hero's army, it gains 50 Rage points. Barbarian N/A Recruitment


  • Crown of Leadership artifact doubles the effects of estates, diplomacy and recruitment abilities. Icon-H5X2
  • Rolf, a Fortress hero, is a specialist in diplomacy, for neutral creatures are more likely to join his army. Icon-H5X1


  • If an enemy unit suffers damage in a moat when besieging a Fortress town, a "Shock" effect is applied to it, while divine guidance effect is randomly activated on a random friendly unit.