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Kodge is a character in the Price of Peace, the academy campaign in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.

Kodge first appears as one of Emilia's companions in to Slay an Immortal, as they look for the Sword of the Gods. He's a seventh-level general with basic tactics and defense, and expert combat and archery. He begins with a Leather, Longbow and a Potion of Healing.

Since he's the only one of Emilia's companions to be carried over to a later scenario, he should be levelled, to make sure he's of use in the Price of Peace scenario.


As the son of a woodsman, Kodge has spent most of his life in the wilderness. He's an excellent hunter with a keen sense of humor, but his true talent is cooking. He carries his favored longbow at all times.OffBck

Emilia chooses Kodge, a human archer, to accompany her to provide "speed and ranged weapons" to their group. He's an accomplished hunter, and does all hunting and cooking on their quest. Emilia reveals that "his roasted rabbit is the best I've ever had, so I've asked him to become my cook if I ever become Queen of Great Arcan again. He agreed."

In a discussion with Tharj Orcsplitter, Kodge tells Emilia the story of the snark, a mythical animal with six legs, the head of a pig, and the body of a cat. Hunters send their sons out to find the beast, knowing full well that the creature does not exist. Kodge reveals that his father laughed at him for over an hour when Kodge fell for the tale. Tharj believes that, like the snark, the Sword of the Gods is a myth.

Since Kodge is the only one of Emilia's companions from her quest for the Sword of the Gods to accompany her to her final fight against Gavin Magnus, it is possible that he survived the war.

Heroes IV characters Icon-H4
Original campaign protagonists Cyrca - King Elwin - King Gauldoth Half-Dead - General Tharj Orcsplitter - Gramin - King Lysander Gryphonheart - King Waerjak - Lady Desette - Pete Girly - Proetho - Queen Emilia Nighthaven - Reed - Sir Kentaine - Solmyr ibn Wali Barad - Suraze - Tawni Balfour
Antagonists Captain Swift - Kalibarr - King Gavin Magnus - King Worton - Lord Harke - Old King Dreggar - Solmyr ibn Wali Barad - Vogel Backbreaker - Mer-Queen
Supporting campaign characters Anda - Anda's father - Adamus - Alana - Arnoc the Hairless - Bawdo - Black Balfour - Captain Enric - Captain Ferth - Queen Catherine Ironfist - Daeraphena - Daeric - Dirty-face Derring - Driden - Eight-fingers Oba - Elf King - Foz the Axe - Gelu - God of Death - Gory Gordy - Hadrin - Hoff - Hundric - Jim Journey - King Kilgor - King Nicolas Gryphonheart - Koelox - Korbert - Lord Bloth - Lord Landrew - Malvich - Mastero - Mazellian - Menathat - The Minotaur King - Mirilass - Mott - Norry - Reed - Sandro - Sir Mardor - Worllarc - Milton - Shaera - Tarnum - Wulgar