Might and Magic Wiki
Might and Magic Wiki
For other uses of the term, see Knight.

Male and female Knight

KnightH4 ranged

Male and female Knight, ranged

The Knight is the basic might class of the Haven faction in Heroes of Might and Magic IV. It starts with Basic Tactics and Basic Defense. Its magic counterpart is the Priest.


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The Knight has the following priorities to learn secondary skills:


  • The male knight model is based on Mardigo, while female one is Gail
Heroes of Might and Magic IV classes
Standard hero classes Knight - Death Knight - Lord - Thief - Archer - Barbarian - Priest - Necromancer - Mage - Sorcerer - Druid
Advanced classes Archmage - Assassin - Bard - Battle Mage - Beast Lord - Beastmaster - Cardinal - Crusader - Dark Lord - Dark Priest - Demonologist - Enchanter - Field Marshal - Fire Diviner - Fireguard - General - Guildmaster - Heretic - Illusionist - Lich - Lord Commander - Monk - Ninja - Paladin - Prophet - Pyromancer - Ranger - Reaver - Seer - Shadow Mage - Summoner - Warden - Warlock - Warlord - Witch King - Wizard - Wizard King