A powerful Water Spirit linked to the celestial waters in all their aspects (rain, hail, clouds, fog, mist...), the Kirin is known in the Naga culture as the bringer of wisdom and the chooser of lords. It is said that a warlord who brings a Kirin to battle is blessed by Shalassa and the whole army benefits from the spirit's heavenly aura. It is also said that one who rides the Kirin may travel faster than the wind, but at the cost of his own life.OffBck
Can be healed and resurrected. Susceptible to morale.OffBck
Spirit Form
Spirits benefit from +50% resistance to all damage at the start of each combat. Lasts until an action was taken by the creature.OffBck
Immunity to Movement reductions from the Water Magic School. Sanctuary Heroes can travel on the seas if all their army is amphibian.OffBck
Resistance to Water
Nagas (and their allied water spirits) are % resistant to damage (Water).OffBck
Vulnerability to Air
All damage (Air) is increased on the nagas (and their allied water spirits) by %.OffBck
Water Flows Freely
“The Kirin is born of water, and like the rain, cannot be harnessed.” In an ancient Naga bestiary, discovered by the Necromancer Sveltana during her legendary journey across the Jade Ocean, the painting that accompanied these words showed a magnificent Kirin moving with determination through a forest of fierce warriors. On the battlefield, she later discovered that the Kirin`s legendary powers were more than a fable, as even the most powerful magic could not hinder the spirit`s swift and graceful movements.The Kirin is immune to effects reducing Movement and Initiative.OffBck
Trail of Mist
The Kirin leaves a misty magical trail behind it wherever it walks that is thick enough, it is joked, to give even an Orc a proper bath. But on the battlefield very few find it a laughing matter. Though the mist never lingers long, the enemy armies always waste precious time groping their way through.Mist is created on the squares crossed by the Kirin. Each mist square reduces Movement of crossing enemy creatures by 1. Does not affect Kirins.OffBck
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Kirin (Qilin) are a type of chimera from Chinese myths.