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The kappa shoya is a creature in Might & Magic: Heroes VI. It is a Core creature of the Sanctuary faction, and it is the upgraded version of the kappa.

Shoyas are venerable Kappas, bound to the most sacred rivers and lakes, who constantly purify the waters from which they obtain their strength. In doing so, they accumulate concentrated doses of spiritual toxins that they can use as a weapon against their enemies.OffBck


Living Living
Can be healed and resurrected. Susceptible to morale.OffBck
Amphibian Amphibian
Immunity to Movement reductions from the Water Magic School. Sanctuary Heroes can travel on the seas if all their army is amphibian.OffBck
Resistance to Water Resistance to Water
Nagas (and their allied water spirits) are % resistant to damage (Water).OffBck
Vulnerability to Air Vulnerability to Air
All damage (Air) is increased on the nagas (and their allied water spirits) by %.OffBck
Heroes VI Crashing Leap Icon Crashing Leap
“Those blasted Shoyas have sent more of my men to the grave than the swords of their Naga masters!” Baron Gunnar, leader of the first imperial expedition to Hashima, shouted those words to his captains after his humiliating defeat against the Naga. When the Kappa Shoya lands from one of its Mighty Leaps, it splashes a toxic substance that is said to burn a man to his very soul.
A leaping attack, dealing normal attack damage to target increased by 5% for each square jumped and 2-3 damage (Water) all enemy stacks in a 3x3 area. Target has to be in a direct line to the Kappa Shoya. This attack cannot be retaliated. Minimum range: 2. Maximum range: twice the Kappa Shoya's Movement (Current). Cooldown: 2 turn(s).OffBck


The kappa shoya is the skirmisher of the Sanctuary forces. While their defenses are high for a Core creature, their hit points are low and they will take heavy casualties should they remain in combat with an opponent for long. The kappa shoya should make frequent use of its Crashing Leap ability when it is ready to move across the battlefield quickly, attacking weak or incapacitated opponents, or enemies already fighting an ally. Their high initiative allows them to move before their opponents usually can, but it also risks them being the target of a creature's retaliation strike or attack. As such, it's often wise to have a kappa shoya wait when retaliation or a coordinated attack against it are a concern.

A kappa shoya is one of the least useful Sanctuary creatures when besieging a castle, as their Crashing Leap ability has no effect on castle walls. As such, they may only be used to harry defenders who come over the castle walls. During a siege, their best use is to prevent flying or teleported creatures from ending their turn adjacent to an allied ranged unit, preventing them from making use of their ranged attack. They also work well in using their Crashing Leap to attack besiegers who manage to enter the gates, helping to reduce their numbers and make them vulnerable to the more powerful attackers of the faction.

When fighting kappa shoya, the key is to advance close enough to deny them a chance to use their Crashing Leap while also avoiding falling victim to the attack. Hiding behind obstacles on the field and careful management of distance are key to keep the Kappa from making its leap. Like all members of the Sanctuary faction, the kappa shoya is resistant to Water and vulnerable to Air, so a Lightning attack or the Storm Arrows spell will allow attackers to subdue them quickly.


Heroes VI Sanctuary Faction Icon Sanctuary
Basic creatures
Shark guard · Coral priestess · Kappa · Spring spirit · Snow maiden · Kenshi · Kirin
Upgraded creatures
Wanizame · Pearl priestess · Kappa shoya · Mizu-kami · Yuki-onna · Kensei · Sacred kirin