Might and Magic Wiki

The justicar is the elite creature of the Haven in Might & Magic: Heroes VII. It is the upgraded form of the guardian.

Afraid of no man nor Demon, the Justicars are always found leading the attack, cutting through the defences of the enemy and opening the way for the rest of the army to advance. In the melee, they will always have their allies’ back and look for opportunities to outflank their foes.OffBck


Cleave Cleave
Their swiftness and training allows the Justicar to strike twice as much as other troops, when in favourable situation, making them the spearhead of the attack.
The creature gets a free retaliation on a neighbouring enemy creature which attacks another friendly creature.OffBck
Opportunity Retaliation Opportunity Retaliation
As their name suggests, they bring justice to the battlefield, supporting their nearby allies in retaliation, and adding tremendous damage to their line of defence. They work in perfect synergy with legionnaires, to create powerful armies with strong attack and defence.
The creature gets a free retaliation on a neighbouring enemy creature which attacks another friendly creature.OffBck


Heroes VII Haven faction icon Haven
Basic creatures
Crossbowman · Sentinel · Dire wolf · Guardian · Chaplain · Cavalier · Landsknecht · Seraph
Upgraded creatures
Marksman · Legionnaire · Silverback · Justicar · Abbot · Cuirassier · Sword master · Celestial
Warfare units
Healing sister - Ballista - Catapult