Might and Magic Wiki

Joklut Jawbreaker is a general apppearing in the At the Crossroads scenario in the Price of Peace campaign in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.

He's a eleventh-level general with master combat and magic resistance, expert melee, and advanced tactics.

Joklut was one of the barbarian raiders approaching Emilia Nighthaven's home, causing the civilians to flee in panic. Once he realized she'd gathered an army to protect their homes, Joklut sent Emilia a threatening letter - a brief, crude note that Emilia was too well-mannered to read aloud.

According to Tharj Orcsplitter, Joklut deserted Kilgor's army in the years before the Reckoning after he failed to defeat Queen Catherine in battle. Apearing later as a bandit in Erathia, he liked to attack people when they were weak, and won his battles with behemoths.

After defeating Joklut in battle, Emilia said that "for the first time, I've felt good about conquering my opponent", due to the cruel way he treated his prisoners. She had him locked up until he could be given a trial, which Tharj considered a waste of time - after all, there was no way he'd be found innocent. But Emilia felt that without justice and order, they would all be just as weak as before. To protect themselves against future attacks, they would need proper rules and laws, including the right to a fair trial.

Joklut Jawbreaker uses the same image and background as Bofmog.
