Might and Magic Wiki

Johari is a hero in Might & Magic: Heroes VII.


Johari is the Grand Constable of the Seven Cities, commanding all the Sherifs and law officers in the Wizard realm. Born in Al-Yaqut, Johari survived the destruction of her home city by the fanatics of House Eterna, but many of her close friends and relatives were not so lucky. Since then, she has dedicated her efforts to the eradication of the Necromancers and their twisted brand of Magic.OffBck


Johari is a Battlemage.


Hero Trait
Artilery master Artillery Master
The hero starts with a warfare unit, the Warfare skill on novice rank and the Improved Durability ability.OffBck


Johari appears in Might & Magic: Heroes VII.


Might & Magic: Heroes VII characters Icon-H7
Original Campaign
Protagonists Original: Fahada - Imani - Ivan Griffin - Tomas Wolf - Vayaron - Wysloth - Zenda
Antagonists Asad al-Kzin - Ashbeth - Jengo - Krysztoff - Qasim - Seamus - Serguei Griffin - Yasir
Supporting campaign characters Anastasya Griffin - Bluebeak - Danan - Giovanni - Kente - Kibwe - Konrad - Lasir - Nolwenn - Murazel - Reem - Sylrael - Tanis - Tieru - Vein
Standard heroes Academy: Aali - Ajit - Asad al-Kzin - Fahada - Gloria - Johari - Masfar - Minasli - Mirym - Nur - Saabira - Solmyr - Yasir
Dungeon: Ashbeth - Darkstorm - Lethos - Salvin - Sephinroth - Sinitar - Sorshan - Sylsai - Yeshtar - Yrbeth - Yrris
Haven: Alesia - Amilcar - Christian - Edric - Ella - Krysztoff - Melisande - Orna - Serguei Griffin - Tyris - Archbishop Wilhelm - Ymoril
Necropolis: Charna - Kaspar - Lordess Ludmilla - Lucretia - Luna - Lyla - Merikh - Naadir - Zakera - Zoltan
Stronghold: Amari - Anga - Ann - Bilashi - Drakon - Gird - Ishi - Kengi - Kibwe - Reem - Shani - Yog
Sylvan: Agathin - Ciele - Dirael - Gem - Ivor - Jenova - Lasir - Ossir - Sailin - Sinithala - Sylrael - Tieru