Might and Magic Wiki

Iluma Nadin, a Necropolis located in the north-western outer regions of Heresh, is one of the most important towns of the realm of undead.

Iluma Nadin's construction date is unknown, but took place before 813 YSD, when the War of the Broken Staff started. The first known ruler, and perhaps even the builder of Iluma Nadin, was the Necromancer Sekhbeth. He perished in the War, and left his hordes of Vampires dormant in the pits near his castle.

After Sekhbeth's demise, Iluma Nadin was taken by Lord Malfroy, a Necromancer with inclinations toward feasts and really ancient wine. For a while, the city enjoyed peace, and many attended Malfroy's festivities - among them, an ambitious Akhkharu named Giovanni.

Around 971 YSD, during Arantir ascension to power, Giovanni found himself threatened, and sought to prove his loyalty to the new High Lord of Heresh by offering him Iluma Nadin "on a silver platter" (it was latter revealed that Giovanni just needed a proper excuse to safely reach Arantir's presence, so he could eliminate his rival).

Giovanni sent his apprentice, Lady Ornella, to assault the city. Ornella soon found herself at difficulty, because she discovered that Malfroy sealed the town with a magical portal, and that the key to the portal had been parted. Successfully retrieving the two key halves from the ghost dragons that guarded them, Ornella forged the key whole at an Elemental Conflux and opened the portal.

Giovanni and Ornella found Malfroy on the other side of the portal, who informed them that Iluma Nadin had been taken away from him by Demons, and that the portal was meant to isolate them. Giovanni mercilessly killed his "old friend", and marched towards Iluma Nadin and drove out the Demonic besiegers.

The city was then handed to Arantir, but Giovanni's attempt to destroy his rival was thwarted. Arantir, who was informed on the Akhkharu's intentions, granted the "final death" to Giovanni.


  • Sekhbeth (Unknown - 822 YSD) - First known ruler of Iluma Nadin, and perhaps even builder of the city. Killed in the War of the Broken Staff, his hordes of Vampires slept for centuries in the nearby catacombs, waiting for a call to war that never came.
  • Lord Malfroy (Unknown - 971 YSD) - A militarily inept Necromancer. He gave Iluma Nadin the fame of a fastuous seat. He had to flee his town and seal it in order to isolate the Demons that stormed it.
  • Arantir (971 YSD - ) - Current ruler of the city. He received Iluma Nadin from Giovanni, who had cleansed the town of it's demonic occupants.

