Might and Magic Wiki

The hell hound is a creature in Might & Magic: Heroes VI. A Core creature of the Inferno faction, its upgraded version is the cerberus.

Hell Hounds are servants of Ur-Vomoch, the Demon Overlord of Voracity. These two-headed fire breathing mastiffs outclass even the saber-toothed tigers or dire wolves in size, speed and ferocity.OffBck


Living Living
Can be healed and resurrected. Susceptible to morale.OffBck
Fireproof Skin Fireproof Skin
Having adapted to the volcanic environment of their prison-world Sheogh, demons are 20% more resistant to Fire damage.OffBck
Vulnerability to Light Vulnerability to Light
Light spells which damage the living are empowered against undead and demons by 20%. Light spells which heal the living damage undead and demons.OffBck
Unlimited Retaliation Inferno Unlimited Retaliation
A Hell Hound is never caught off guard and attacking one never goes unpunished. Trained for the hunt of extremely dangerous prey and as guards for even more dangerous treasures, its doubly keen sense of smell and hearing make it impossible to attack without getting at least one bite in return.
The hound may retaliate unlimited times.OffBck
Eye of Gluttony Eye of Gluttony
Once a Hell Hound or Cerberus has been wounded by an enemy, its senses are filled with an uncontrollable hunger to bring down its aggressor. The odor of its assailant overcomes it and gives rise to a ravenous frenzy. In this state, the two-headed beast’s attacks are more devastating against its marked foe until all its aggressors are killed or the combat ends.
Increases damage of the creature by 20% on all targets that have previously damaged it.OffBck


Heroes VI Inferno Faction Icon Inferno
Basic creatures
Maniac · Hell hound · Succubus · Breeder · Tormentor · Juggernaut · Pit fiend
Upgraded creatures
Demented · Cerberus · Lilim · Breeder mother · Lacerator · Ravager · Pit lord