Might and Magic Wiki

For the faction in other games, see Haven.

Haven is a faction of humans, who worship Elrath, Dragon God of Light.


The Knights and Priests of the Holy Empire worship Elrath, the Dragon God of Light, who grants them magical powers based on his elemental dominion. Their objective is to lead a life worthy of Elrath's ideals of Truth and Purity, to shape the world in his image, and to spread his sacred Light...

The Falcon Empire often had conflicts but they were rarely serious or bloody, however with the death of Empress Maeve, the Empire has fallen into chaos. Now each noble wants the throne for their own needs.




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Village hall Haven H7 Town hall Haven H7 City hall Haven H7Capitol Haven H7Hall of Heroes Haven H7
Village hall Town hall City hallCapitolHall of Heroes
Provides the option to build new structures in this town. Provides 500 Gold per day. Provides additional 500 Gold per day. Provides additional 1000 Gold per day.Provides additional 1500 Gold per day. You can have only one Capitol.Allows players to recruit Heroes.




1000 Gold
Village hall
Town level 3


5000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
Town hall
Town level 9


10000 Gold
10 Wood
10 Ore
City hall
Town level 15


500 Gold
5 Ore

Marketplace Haven H7Blacksmith Haven H7Convent of Elrath Haven H7
MarketplaceBlacksmithConvent of Elrath
Provides the town screen window to trade resources.Allows heroes to buy Haven ballista.Allows players to recruit Sister healers.


500 Gold


500 Gold
5 Ore


500 Gold
2 Ore
Mage guild level 1
Town level 3


Fortification level 1 Haven H7 Fortification level 2 Haven H7 Fortification level 3 Haven H7Artillery range Haven H7Moat Haven H7
Fortification level 1 Fortification level 2 Fortification level 3Artillery rangeMoat
Equips the town with walls and gate in siege combats and a local guard of Sentinels and Crossbowmen. Increase the hit points of walls and gate in siege combat.
Adds Guardians and Chaplians to the local guard.
Increases the capacities and growth of creatures in the local guard.
Increase the hit points of walls and gate in siege combat.
Increases the capacities and growth of creatures in the local guard.
Equips the town with 2 towers in siege combats.
Adds a moat to the city during siege.


800 Gold
10 Wood
15 Ore
Town level 3


800 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
Fortification level 1
Town level 6


800 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
2 Starsilver
Fortification level 2
Town level 15


400 Gold
10 Ore
Town level 12


400 Gold
2 Wood
Fortification level 1
Town level 6


Elrath's infinite mercy Haven H7 Embassy Haven H7 Choral of Believers Haven H7Horse stables Haven H7Champion guard tower Haven H7
Elrath's infinite mercy Embassy Choral of BelieversHorse stablesChampion guard tower
Provides 5000 Gold per day and increases the growth in this town by 50%.
After every combat 10% of your losses are resurrected.
Additional 20% chance for negotiations with neutral armies inside the town's AoC.
Light magic spells cast by a hero inside the town's area of control are cast on the next higher rank.
Visiting heroes receive +5 to movement till the end of the week.Increases the capacities of creatures in the local guard.
If a champion dwelling is build in this town, the respective champion creature is added to local guard with a maximum of capacity of 5 and a growth of 1 per day.


4000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
5 Dragonblood crystal
5 Starsilver
5 Dragonsteel
5 Shadowsteel
Town level 15
Tear of Asha


1000 Gold
5 Ore
Town level 3


500 Gold
5 Wood
Town level 3


1000 Gold
5 Wood
Town level 3


1000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
Fortification level 1
Town level 9

Thieves guild Haven H7Alchemist lab Haven H7Resource silo Haven H7
Thieves guildAlchemist labResource silo
Allows you to buy information about your enemies.
Provides 1 Starsilver per day.Each day it gives you 1 piece of random rare resource.


500 Gold
5 Wood
Town level 12


3000 Gold
2 Wood
2 Ore
Magic guild level 2
Town level 12


3000 Gold
2 Ore
2 Wood
Town level 6

Magic guild[]

Magic guild level 1 Haven H7 Magic guild level 2 Haven H7 Magic guild level 3 Haven H7Magic guild level 4 Haven H7Town portal Haven H7
Magic guild level 1 Magic guild level 2 Magic guild level 3Magic guild level 4Town portal
Gives 5 random level 1 spells to this city. Gives 4 random level 2 spells to this city. Gives 3 random level 3 spells to this city.Gives 1 random level 4 spell to this city.Allows the heroes who have the Town Portal spell to return to this city if it is the closest available city.


1000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
Town level 3


1000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
1 Dragonblood crystal
1 Starsilver
1 Dragonsteel
1 Shadowsteel
Mage guild level 1
Town level 6


1000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
3 Dragonblood crystal
3 Starsilver
3 Dragonsteel
3 Shadowsteel
Mage guild level 2
Town level 9


1000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
5 Dragonblood crystal
5 Starsilver
5 Dragonsteel
5 Shadowsteel
Mage guild level 3
Town level 15


500 Gold
2 Wood
2 Ore
2 Dragonblood crystal
Mage guild level 1
Town level 6

Creature production[]


Barracks Haven H7 Loophole tower Haven H7 Beast lair Haven H7Priory Haven H7Watchtower Haven H7
Barracks Loophole tower Beast lairPrioryWatchtower
Core dwelling.
Enables recruitment of Sentinels with a growth of 21 per week.
Core dwelling.
Enables recruitment of Crossbowmen with a growth of 20 per week.
Core dwelling.
Enables recruitment of Dire wolfs with a growth of 10 per week.
Elite dwelling.
Enables recruitment of Chaplains with a growth of 6 per week.
Elite dwelling.
Enables recruitment of Guardians with a growth of 6 per week.


800 Gold


1000 Gold
5 Wood


1000 Gold
5 Wood
Town level 3


2500 Gold
5 Wood
1 Dragonblood crystal
1 Starsilver
1 Dragonsteel
1 Shadowsteel
Convent of Elrath
Choral of Believers or Embassy
Town level 6


3000 Gold
10 Ore
5 Dragonsteel
Town level 9

Training grounds Haven H7Halls of Honor Haven H7Transept of Heaven Haven H7
Training groundsHalls of HonorTransept of Heaven
Elite dwelling.
Enables recruitment of Cavaliers with a growth of 2 per week.
Champion dwelling.
Enables recruitment of Landsknechte with a growth of 1 per week.
Champion dwelling.
Enables recruitment of Seraphs with a growth of 1 per week.


6500 Gold
10 Wood
10 Starsilver
Horse stables
Town level 12


12000 Gold
5 Wood
10 Ore
5 Starsilver
5 Shadowsteel
Town level 15


12000 Gold
5 Wood
10 Ore
10 Starsilver
Town level 15


Garrison Haven H7 Marksman tower Haven H7 Beast den Haven H7Cathedral of Light Haven H7Justicar's tower Haven H7
Garrison Marksman tower Beast denCathedral of LightJusticar's tower
Allows players to recruit Legionnaires. Allows players to recruit Marksmen. Allows players to recruit Silverbacks.Allows players to recruit Abbots.Allows players to recruit Justicars.


1400 Gold
5 Ore


1500 Gold
10 Ore
Loophole tower


1500 Gold
5 Ore
5 Shadowsteel
Beast lair


3750 Gold
2 Dragonblood crystal
2 Starsilver
2 Dragonsteel
2 Shadowsteel


4500 Gold
5 Ore
5 Wood
5 Shadowsteel

Proving grounds Haven H7Halls of Glory Haven H7Transept of Elysium Haven H7
Proving groundsHalls of GloryTransept of Elysium
Allows players to recruit Cuirassiers.Allows players to recruit Swordmasters.Allows players to recruit Celestials.


10000 Gold
10 Wood
5 Dragonsteel
Training grounds


15000 Gold
5 Wood
10 Ore
10 Dragonsteel
Halls of Honor


15000 Gold
5 Wood
10 Ore
10 Dragonblood crystal
Transept of Heaven

Growth upgrade[]

Recruiters office Haven H7 Shooting range Haven H7 SlaughterhouseMonasteryOfficers housing Haven H7
Recruiters office Shooting range SlaughterhouseMonasteryOfficers housings
Upgrade of the basic dwelling.
+11 Sentinels or Legionnaires per week.
Upgrade of the basic dwelling.
+10 Crossbowmen or Marksmen per week.
Upgrade of the basic dwelling.
+5 Dire Wolves or Silverbacks per week.
Upgrade of the elite dwelling.
+6 Chaplains or Abbots per week.
Upgrade of the elite dwelling.
+6 Guardians or Justicars per week.


800 Gold
Town level 3


1000 Gold
Loophole tower
Town level 6


1000 Gold
5 Wood
Beast lair
Town level 6


2500 Gold
10 Ore
Town level 9


3000 Gold
5 Ore
5 Dragonsteel
Town level 9

Jousting arena Haven H7Recruiters outpost Haven H7
Jousting arenaRecruiters outpost
Upgrade of the elite dwelling.
+2 Cavaliers or Cuirassiers per week.
Growth increasing dwelling upgrades in this town also increase the growth of the same creatures in other dwellings in this town's area of control.


6500 Gold
10 Wood
Training grounds
Town level 15


6000 Gold
15 Wood
5 Ore
Recruiters office
Town level 15

