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Might and Magic Wiki
For the faction in other games, see Haven.

"Born in the sacred Light of Elrath, sworn to spread it all over Ashan."

Haven is a faction in Might & Magic: Heroes VI. It is composed of humans and their allies in the Holy Empire, selected by the angels to worship Elrath, dragon god of Light. Their objective is to lead a life worthy of Elrath's ideals of Truth and Purity to shape the world in his image and to spread his sacred light.


The Empire has now existed for over 400 years. A new blood moon and its accompanying demon invasion is expected. With their faith in Elrath and with the help of the angels, the Haven populace is eager to demonstrate its superiority to all other factions for the first time in history, by brilliantly and courageously shining in the upcoming battles. Their empire is ready to take its place as the Legitimate defenders of Ashan.




Haven is masters of defense and healing, so in early games where one only has access to the core creatures, one should stay on the defense. Let the enemy come by crossing the battlefield, under constant fire from the marksmen, and then finish them off with the sentinels before the enemy can reach the shooters. If the sentinels took damage, heal them with sisters. Avoid fighting ranged dwellings, because that will force slow moving creatures on the offensive. Wait until more mobile and offensive creatures can be recruited.

Defender, Charismatic Leader, Assailant and Destiny's Chosen will improve the whole Haven army. Reinforcements make sure that that key units like praetorians and marksmen never are undersized. Heroism will give a chance for a larger damage blow and faster loading of Guardian Angel. Counterstrike will increase the defensive capabilities even more.

Haven's natural magic school is Light, and it contains many good choices - Celestial Armor, Heal, Retribution Aura and Blindness. Burning Determination and Inner Fire are excellent choices from Fire magic. Some spells like Dispel Magic, Arcane Exaltation, Haste and Time Statis are good spells to pick as well from Prime magic.



Village hall Haven Heroes VI Town hall Haven Heroes VI City hall Haven Heroes VICapitol Haven Heroes VIMarketplace Haven Heroes VI
Village hall Town hall City hallCapitolMarketplace
Allows you to purchase Rank 1 town buildings and increases your kingdom's daily income by 500 gold. Allows you to purchase Rank 2 town buildings and increases your kingdom's daily income by 1000 gold. Allows you to purchase Rank 3 town buildings and increases your kingdom's daily income by 2000 gold.Increases your kingdom's daily income by 4000 gold. You can only build 1 Capitol in your kingdom.Trading and exchanging resources. Produces 500 gold/day.




2000 gold
2 wood
2 ore


5000 gold
5 wood
5 ore
Town hall


10000 gold
10 wood
10 ore
City hall


2500 gold
2 wood
2 ore

Basic fortification Haven Heroes VIAdvanced fortification Haven Heroes VISuperior fortification Haven Heroes VIBasic town portal Haven Heroes VIAdvanced town portal Haven Heroes VI
Basic fortificationAdvanced fortificationSuperior fortificationBasic town portalAdvanced town portal
Erects walls around the town. Increases creature growth by 1.Adds a keep and moat-like terrain obstacle to a town's defenses. The Movement of creatures entering it or standing in it is decreased by 3. Creature production is increased by 1.Adds 2 arrow towers, fortifies your town's defenses. Also increases creature growth by 1.Your heroes can teleport from this town to any other town you control.Allows the heroes to teleport back to this town.


2500 gold
5 wood
5 ore


5000 gold
10 wood
10 ore
Basic fortification
Town hall


7500 gold
15 wood
15 ore
Advanced fortification
City hall


3500 gold
5 wood
5 ore
5 crystal
Town hall


7000 gold
10 wood
10 ore
10 crystal
Basic town portal
City hall


Hall of Heroes Haven Heroes VI Angel watch Haven Heroes VI Statue of Revelation Haven Heroes VIResurection altar Haven Heroes VIChoral of Believers Haven Heroes VI
Hall of Heroes Angel watch Statue of RevelationResurrection altarChoral of Believers
Heroes can be hired here for a fee. Fills the Guardian Angel faction ability gauge to rank 1 at the start of each combat. Once per week, you can reveal an area of the Adventure Map.Sisters, Sun Riders and Seraphim fallen in combat can be resurrected here. If they have not been resurrected within 3 days, their souls vanish. This cost is 50% higher than regular recruitment. Each Resurrection Altar increases the duration by 2 days and reduces cost by 10%.When friendly creatures fight in the town's Area of Control, their Morale is increased by 10 and their Magic Power is increased by 20%.


2000 gold


2000 gold
2 wood
5 ore
2 crystal
Town hall


2000 gold
2 wood
5 ore
2 crystal
Town hall


4000 gold
5 wood
5 ore
8 crystal
City hall


4000 gold
5 wood
5 ore
8 crystal
City hall

Advanced marketplace Haven Heroes VIElrath's infinite mercy Haven Heroes VI
Advanced marketplaceElrath's infinite mercy
Artifacts can be bought and sold and special offers are available every week.Provides 5000 gold/day and increases all creature production by 50%. After each combat, an Archangel resurrects 33% of all friendly fallen Haven creatures.


2500 gold
2 wood
5 ore
2 crystal


15000 gold
15 wood
15 ore
15 crystal
Tear of Asha

Creature production[]


Barracks Haven Heroes VI Loophole tower Haven Heroes VI Priory Haven Heroes VIGriffin aviary Haven Heroes VIAltar of Radiance Haven Heroes VI
Barracks Loophole tower PrioryGriffin aviaryAltar of Radiance
Allows recruitment of Sentinels. Allows recruitment of Crossbowmen. Allows recruitment of Sisters.Allows recruitment of Griffins.Allows recruitment of Radiant Glories.


1000 gold
4 ore


2000 gold
6 wood
2 ore


1500 gold
5 wood
5 ore


3750 gold
5 wood
4 ore
4 crystal
Town hall


4000 gold
5 wood
5 ore
5 crystal
Town hall

Chapel of the Holy Sun Haven Heroes VITransept of Heaven Haven Heroes VI
Chapel of the Holy SunTransept of Heaven
Allows recruitment of Sun Riders.Allows recruitment of Seraphim.


3250 gold
8 wood
3 crystal
Town hall


11000 gold
13 woods
15 ore
14 crystal
City hall


Garrison Haven Heroes VI Marksman tower Haven Heroes VI Cathedral of Light Haven Heroes VIGriffin tower Haven Heroes VIAltar of Resplendence Haven Heroes VI
Garrison Marksman tower Cathedral of LightGriffin towerAltar of Resplendence
Allows recruitment of Praetorians. Praetorian/Sentinel weekly production is increased by 5. Allows recruitment of Marksmen. Marksman/Crossbowman weekly production is increased by 5. Allows recruitment of Vestals. Vestal/Sister weekly production is increased by 4.Allows recruitment of Imperial Griffins. Imperial Griffin/Girffin weekly production is increased by 1.Allows recruitment of Blazing Glories. Blazing Glory/Radiant Glory weekly production is increased by 2.


1500 gold
5 wood
5 ore


2750 gold
2 wood
3 crystal
Loophole tower


2500 gold
2 wood
3 ore
5 crystal


2500 gold
4 wood
1 ore
3 crystal
Griffin aviary


3500 gold
5 wood
6 crystal
Altar of Radiance

Priory of the Holy Sun Haven Heroes VITransept of Elysium Haven Heroes VI
Priory of the Holy SunTransept of Elysium
Allows recruitment of Sun Crusaders. Sun Crusader/Sun Rider weekly production is increased by 2.Allows recruitment of Celestials. Celestial/Seraph weekly production is increased by 1.


3000 gold
5 wood
4 ore
4 crystal
Chapel of the Holy Sun


9000 gold
12 wood
10 ore
11 crystal
Transept of Heaven


Might & Magic: Heroes VI
Gameplay Reputation - Town conversion - Abilities - Bosses
Factions Dungeon Creatures - Might / Magic heroes
Haven Creatures - Might / Magic heroes
Inferno Creatures - Might / Magic heroes
Necropolis Creatures - Might / Magic heroes
Sanctuary Creatures - Might / Magic heroes
Stronghold Creatures - Might / Magic heroes