Might and Magic Wiki

Halas is a druid that appears in the Eater of Children scenario of the Half-Dead campaign in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.

When Gauldoth Half-Dead escaped from the attempt to burn him in Vitross, and created an army of undead to get revenge on those that had wronged him, the druid Halas sent him a warning, delivered by a sprite that flew away before Gauldoth could interrogate it.

Halal's letter pointed out that Gauldoth and his troops were "insults against nature" and should be destroyed, and that he would hunt them all down unless they left. Since the druid was between Gauldoth and his goal, the necromancer decided to deal with him.

Once Gauldoth had defeated the druid's forces in battle, he reflected on the power that the druid had posssessed, and his ability to conjure creatures, even elementals. The study of Nature Magic seemed an appealing prospect to him. "Imagine not needing to rob graveyards for troops."


While Halas is mentioned in the Heroes of Might and Magic IV scenario Eater of Children, he is not represented by an in-game unit.
