Gurt is a barbarian apppearing in the At the Crossroads scenario in the Price of Peace campaign in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.
He's a seventh-level barbarian with expert combat and melee, and basic archery, magic resistance and tactics.
Gurt was one of the barbarian raiders approaching Emilia Nighthaven's home, causing the civilians to flee in panic. Those who lived in the territory under his control described him as "brutal, and not too bright" - he stormed through villages burning everything, including grain stores, and got furious when he discovered there was nothing left to loot. He would get drunk every night and claim he was Kilgor' successor as the new Barbarian King. He still managed to attact many troops to his army, and ruled through strength in numbers.
While his forces fought with frightening savagery, he never put much thought into strategy, allowing Emilia to defeat him on the battlefield. It's unkown what happened to him after this - Emilia says that she "put an end to Gurt's savagery, defeating him on the battlefield", but never clarifies whether he was slain or imprisoned.
Gurt uses the same image and backgrund as Hagnar.