Might and Magic Wiki
Icon-MM6 Guardian of VARN Icon-MM6
{{{image size}}}
Hit Points: 617
Armor Class: 60
Special attack: Break weapon
Damage: 3D6+50
Attack Speed: 80
Primary attack: Physical
Secondary attack percent: 20
Secondary attack: Energy
Secondary damage: 8D6
Secondary attack ranged: Energy
Spells: Psychic shock
Spell use %: 20
Level: 65
Experience: 4875
Treasure: 200D10 gold
Magic: Immune
Fire: Immune
Physical: 30
Electric: Immune
Cold: Immune
Poison: Immune

The guardian of VARN is a monster in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. It is stronger than the defender of VARN and sentinel of VARN.

Guardians of VARN usually attack in close combat, dealing 3D6+50 damage, and can break their target's weapon. They have a 20% chance to use a ranged energy attack that deals 8D6 damage, and a 20% chance to use the psychic shock spell.

They are immune to fire, electric, cold, poison, and magic damage, and can be encountered in the Tomb of VARN.
