Might and Magic Wiki
For other uses of the term, see guardian angel.

Guardian Angel is a faction ability in Might & Magic: Heroes VI. This faction ability is availabe only to Haven heroes. The gauge is filled when friendly creatures are dealt damage or they gain good morale. The effect lasts 1 turn, and the cooldown is 1 turn.

Icon Name Level
Guardian Angel H6 I Guardian Angel I N/A Target friendly Core stack becomes impervious to all harm for 1 turn(s).
Guardian Angel H6 II Guardian Angel II 5 Target friendly Core or Elite stack becomes impervious to all harm for 1 turn(s).
Guardian Angel H6 III Guardian Angel III 15 Target friendly stack becomes impervious to all harm for 1 turn(s).
Guardian Angel H6 IV Guardian Angel IV 25 Target friendly stack becomes impervious to all harm for 1 turn and is also healed for 23% of its health.


  • Angel watch (town building): Fills the Guardian Angel faction ability gauge to rank 1 at the start of each combat.
  • Celestial shield (off hand artifact): The gain of Guardian Points is increased by 10%.
  • Pendant of Mastery (neck artifact): The hero's faction ability is increased by 1 Rank and combat starts with racial gauge filled up to first Rank.