Grendel is a character appearing in the The Beowulf Tales: Part One scenario in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.
Grendel was a beast, who couldn't stand the singing and joy of Hrothgar and his people, after they built Heorot Hall. During the night, Grendel snuck in and slew Hrothgar's guards before escaping.
Grendel is a level 20 General. He starts with grandmaster combat and melee, master archery, advanced magic resistance and tactics, and basic offense, scouting and Stealth. He has an army of behemoths, cyclopes, black dragons, and berserkers, and is equipped with the Breastplate of Regeneration, the Ring of Health, the Sniper's Crossbow, a Badge of Courage, the Warlord's Ring, and the Axe of Legends.
- The Beowulf Tales: Part One: Beowulf needs to find Grendel and slay him.
Grendel uses the same icon and background as Madmarik.
Grendel appears only in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.