Might and Magic Wiki

The gnoll hunter is a core creature of the Stronghold in Might & Magic: Heroes VII. It is the upgraded form of the gnoll.

When a Beastman is created, the resulting being keeps most of its Human intelligence, but also inherits the instincts and tendencies of its animal side. For Gnoll Hunters, this translates as an opportunistic (some would say cowardly) streak. Gnoll Hunters will let others fight in close combat, only intervening when they can land a blow at the enemy without putting themselves directly at risk.OffBck


Opportunity Shot Opportunity Shot
Gnolls are vicious fighters. If one of their allies is attacking, they always try to use the opening to throw a dagger in the flank of the targeted foe.
Provided the creature is not in melee, it gets one free immediate shot per combat round at the first enemy creature that`s attacked in melee. This free shot deals 50% less damage.OffBck



Heroes VII Stronghold faction icon Stronghold
Basic creatures
Brute · Harpy · Gnoll · Centaur · Sand wyvern · Basilisk rider · Cyclops · Behemoth
Upgraded creatures
Crusher · Fury · Gnoll hunter · Centaur marauder · Venomous wyvern · Basilisk lancer · Enraged cyclops · Ancient behemoth
Warfare creatures
Dreamwalker - Tamed cyclops