Might and Magic Wiki

Glen is a hero in Heroes of Might and Magic V and its add-on, Hammers of Fate.


Vittorio's brother Glen always tried to be like his famous relative. And when Vittorio was considered to be the best specialist in War machines Glen decided not to stay behind but with some time to complete with his brother and moreover - to improve his echievements.OffBck

Glen was a brother of famous siege engineer, Vittorio. Seeking to follow in his brother's footsteps and eventually surpass him, he began to improve his battlefield techniques.

He was able to test them during the civil war in the Holy Griffin Empire, when Emperor Nicolai Griffin named his fiancée, Isabel Greyhound as his successor. Glen supported Duke Duncan Stag, one of the rebels opposing her reign and under his orders laid a siege upon one of the towns held by Empress's forces.

The siege was however interrupted by an undead army under the command of Necromancer Markal, who sought to gain Isabel's favor. Having his army assaulted from behind and defeated, Glen was unable to conquer the city. He has since managed to find his way back to the Stag Duchy, and continued to fight amongst the rebels.


Glen is a Knight of the Haven faction.

Hero Trait
H5SpecSiegeEngineer Siege Engineer
Ballista receive +1 to their Attack for every level of the hero. Catapult's chance to hit the wall is increased by 2% for every hero level.OffBck

Skills Perks
H5BasicCounterstrike Basic Counterstrike
H5BasicWarMachines Basic War Machines H5Ballista Ballista


The Necromancer[]

Freyda's Dilemma[]



Glen appears in Heroes of Might and Magic V and its add-on, Hammers of Fate.


Haven heroes in Heroes V
Regular Heroes
Dougal · Ellaine · Irina · Klaus · Laszlo · Maeve · Rutger · Vittorio
Scenario-only Heroes
Alaric · Andreas · Benedikt · Bertrand · Duncan Stag · Freyda · Gabrielle · Ghost · Giar · Glen · Godric · Isabel · Saint Isabel · Lorenzo · Nicolai · Orlando · Ornella · Stephan · Valeria