Might and Magic Wiki
For other creatures of the same name, see genie.
Icon-MM6 Genie Icon-MM6
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Hit Points: 207
Armor Class: 35
Damage: 8D4+8
Attack Speed: 80
Preferred enemy: Male
Primary attack: Cold
Primary attack ranged: Cold
Spells: Ice bolt
Spell use %: 20
Level: 33
Experience: 1419
Treasure: 30% chance for a fourth-level artifact
Magic: Immune
Fire: 0
Physical: 30
Electric: 30
Cold: Immune
Poison: 30

The genie is a monster in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. Its stronger versions are the djinn and efreet.

Genies usually use ranged attacks, dealing 8D4+8 cold damage, and have a 20% chance to use the ice bolt spell. They will target male members of the party. They are immune to cold and magic damage, and can be encountered in the Tomb of VARN.
