Might and Magic Wiki
For other uses, see Gating.

Gating is the the class-specific skill for the Demon Lord of the Inferno in Heroes of Might and Magic V.


Gating grants the hero's creatures an ability to gate into the infernal plane to bring reinforcements back to the battlefield. Each unit can gate only once per combat spending 50% of its current initiative. The creatures will disappear after the end of the combat. Gating marks the ground and takes a number of turns to take effect, unless the final Gating skill is active (Urgash's call) which then makes it instant.

  • Basic Gating allows imps and demons to gate. Newly arrived creatures constitute 30% of the gated ones.
  • Advanced Gating also allows hell hounds and succubi to gate. Newly arrived creatures constitute 35% of the gated ones.
  • Expert Gating also allows hell chargers and pit fiends to gate. Newly arrived creatures constitute 40% of the gated ones.
  • Ultimate Gating allows all inferno creatures to gate. Newly arrived creatures constitute 45% of the gated ones.

The creature summoned through Gating must wait one turn before performing an action. A pit lord summoned by arch devil's ability can also use Gating.

Skill rates[]

Only the Demon Lord class can learn Gating skill, at 10% probability.


Icon Name Description Unlocks Notes
Original / Hammers of Fate Tribes of the East
H5ConsumeCorpse Consume corpse Demon Lord receives special combat ability to consume corpses of fallen creatures to restore mana. Consumed corpses disappear from the battlefield. Soulfire (Sorcery)
Teleport assault (Logistics) Swift gating (Logistics)
H5Hellfire Hellfire Creatures under Demon Lord's control are granted a 30% chance to deal additional fire damage on attack. Hellfire drains the Demon Lord's mana. Hellwrath (Defense)
Searing fires (Destructive Magic)
Fire resistance (Light Magic)
Mana burst (Destructive Magic) Fire warriors (Summoning Magic)
Flaming arrows (Attack)
Warpath (Logistics)
Brimstone rain / triple ballista (War Machines)
H5MarkoftheDamned Mark of the Damned The hero receives special combat ability to punish the target enemy creature with a powerful Mark of the Damned if that creature is about to attack, retaliate, or cast any spell. Once declared, Mark of the Damned is active until the end of combat. Should target creature remain idle or move without attacking, the mark will not be performed. Excruciating strike (Attack)
Weakening strike (Dark Magic)
Tremors (War Machines)
Exorcism (Summoning Magic)
H5UrgashsCall Urgash's call Gating becomes instant. This is the ultimate Gating skill; it does not unlock other abilities, but it requires abilities from other skills:


  • Infernal loom building increases the number of summoned creatures through Gating skill by 10%.
  • Nymus, an Inferno hero, is a specialist in Gating, for there are 1% per hero level more summoned creatures through this skill.