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Free Haven, also referred to as Freehaven, was the oldest and most prosperous remaining city on the planet of Enroth from the years following the Silence and the fall of the Colonial Government up until the Reckoning.[2] Founded by the survivors of The Crossing, it was established either directly before or after contact with the Ancients was severed. A sprawling city-state, it was assimilated into the Kingdom of Enroth sometime after the defeat of Lord Alamar.


Land of the Free[]

When the Ancients began their project to seed the Promised Land using the Tomb of VARN, they instructed the seed-races they sent into the Void to "Tend well the Guardian and house it securely away from the ship lest both be lost in a single misfortune." Free Haven was constructed for this purpose, and the survivors of the voyage relocated Melian there along with the Planetary Control Center.

The city survived the fall of the Colonial Government, and grew into a larger port with a natural harbour, acting as the hub of the continent and its most prosperous settlement. By the 1100s, the phrase "all roads lead to Free Haven" had come into being.[3] The truth behind Melian and the Ancients became blurred over time, and she became more widely known as the almost mythical Oracle of Enroth who the true leaders of the continent depended on for guidance and advice.

The Ironfist Reign[]

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During the reign of Morglin Ironfist, Free Haven was united into the Kingdom of Enroth, and became the established meeting place of the High Council of the Lords of Enroth. The mage, Serendine, apparently hailed from the city. During the Succession Wars, Archibald Ironfist controlled Free Haven for a time, during which he invited arms shipments from Regna and attempted to use Melian to further his ambitions. When Melian refused to cooperate, Archibald damaged her and stole her memory crystals.[4] The city was liberated by Roland Ironfist when he defeated his brother and assumed the throne.


A vantage of part of Free Haven as shown in Might and Magic VI.

Temple Stone, named after one of the lords of Stone, was constructed at the city's northwestern edge at some point. In the 1160s, it was burnt down by the Celestial Order, but was rebuilt in 1165 with the efforts of Anthony Stone and the Heroes of Enroth. The Heroes often visited Free Haven in their quest to destroy The Hive - upon convincing the Council of their good intentions, they exposed Slicker Silvertongue here, and visited and partially repaired the Oracle.

As with the rest of the planet's cities, Free Haven was apparently destroyed in the Reckoning, which took place in 1175.


While initially home to many races, the city was predominantly populated by Humans during the 1100s. It was home to a dragon tower. The port's flagship was the Windrunner. An extensive sewer network had been constructed in the city's perilous subterrane, and thieves periodically gathered within to stash loot. Deep in the underground, the Prince of Thieves had established a secret base.

Free Haven housed several guilds and facilities, including a Buccaneers' Lair, magic guilds, Shadow Guild and a slew of traders. Across Temper's Lake, Castle Temper lay on the city outskirts, while the village of Rockham was situated on the northwest road, nearby a major Temple of the Moon. The city bordered the Frozen Highlands on the south.

Map guide[]

  1. Temple Stone, target location for the cleric to priest promotion quest.
  2. Home of Gabriel Cartman, quest giver for the Bring back Ethric the Mad's skull quest.
  3. Home of Hitomi Mirumoto, who teaches expert Water Magic.
  4. Home of George Almond, a stonecutter hireling.
  5. Home of Jack Van Imp, who teaches expert Fire Magic, and Rexella Van Imp, acolyte hireling.
  6. This duplex is the home of Li Tizare, who teaches expert Earth Magic, and his son, Isao Tizare, minor NPC, on one side, and Zodahn Delphi, who teaches expert Air Magic on the other.
  7. The Adept Guild of Spirit.
  8. Home of Nikobi, a scout hireling.
  9. The Adept Guild of Mind.
  10. Home of Takao, who teaches expert Shield. Also a sewer entrance.
  11. The Sharpening Stone, a blacksmith shop.
  12. The Freehaven chapter of Duelists' Edge.
  13. Magic well that grants permanent +2 Might.
  14. Bridge on the road to the Frozen Highlands and Castle Stone.
  15. Home of Ivan Magyar, who teaches expert Disarm Trap on the south-facing side. The two-story west-facing side houses Sergio Carrington, who sells Smugglers' Guild memberships. His side also has a sewer entrance.
  16. Home of Rosemarie Reyjavik, a merchant hireling.
  17. Home of Woodrow Albright, who teaches expert Plate.
  18. Home of Beauregard Wolf, a duper hireling.
  19. Home of Wilma Cook, a gatemaster hireling.
  20. The Sorcerer's Shoppe, a magic shop.
  21. Free Haven Travel East, stables.
  22. The Foundry, an armor shop.
  23. Magic fountain that restores +25 hit points.
  24. Abdul's Discount Goods, a general store.
  25. Home of Winston Historian, who sells Duelists' Edge memberships.
  26. Home of Carlo Tormini, quest giver for the Rescue Sherell from cannibals quest.
  27. Empty house
  28. Home of Doreen Espana, a chef hireling.
  29. Home of Sandra Trudoor, a minor NPC.
  30. Home of Nick Fenster, who is collecting kegs of wine.
  31. Home of Sy Roth, who is collecting teeth. Also a sewer entrance.
  32. Location of the ship, Windrunner.
  33. Home of Hans Schultz, a mystic hireling.
  34. This duplex houses Fabian Sun, a quartermaster hireling, on one side and Lori Tao, minor NPC on the other.
  35. Home of Ral, a carpenter hireling.
  36. Home of Donald Dorfus, a spellmaster hireling.
  37. Dragon tower
  38. Free Haven Academy, a training hall.
  39. Foreign Exchange, a bank.
  40. Alchemy and Incantations, a magic shop.
  41. Home of Chitania Retiani, minor NPC, and her son Sri Retiani, minor NPC.
  42. Home of Stephen Iago, merchant hireling.
  43. Home of Livia Farrel, who teaches expert Merchant, and her son Lysander Farrel, minor NPC.
  44. Home of Sylvester Moor, who teaches expert Diplomacy.
  45. Home of Iris Poppyfield, a bard hireling.
  46. Home of Heidi Strumper, minor NPC.
  47. The Echoing Whisper, an inn. Tor Brock, minor NPC, lives in an apartment in the back.
  48. The Adept Guild of Earth.
  49. This duplex houses Logan Dasher, who teaches expert Dagger on one side, and Michael Ogilvy, who teaches expert Sword on the other.
  50. Home of Lawrence Aleman, who is collecting gongs.
  51. Empty house
  52. Home of Zoltan Phelps, quest giver for the Find the Lost Artifact Mordred quest.
  53. Home of Corey Rozburg, who sells memberships to the Fire Guild.
  54. Home of Jessica Carson, who sells memberships to the Air Guild.
  55. Home of Ike Pargrew, who sells memberships to the Earth Guild.
  56. Home of Dominique Juarez, who sells memberships to the Water Guild. Also a sewer entrance.
  57. Home of Bonnie Rotterdam, who is collecting harpy feathers, and her daughter Carly Rotterdam, minor NPC.
  58. Home of Amber Praetor, a bard hireling. Another sewer entrance.
  59. Home of Hans Gifford, who teaches master Identify Item.
  60. The High Council of Enroth, containing access to the Control Center and the Oracle.
  61. Home of Geoff Southy, who is collecting 4-leaf clovers.
  62. The Adept Guild of Air.
  63. Home of Dillan Robinson, who is collecting amber.
  64. The Adept Guild of Body.
  65. Home of Richard Harp, a trader hireling. And a sewer entrance.
  66. The Adept Guild of Fire.
  67. The Footman's Friend, an armor shop.
  68. Feathers and String, a blacksmith.
  69. Free Haven Travel West, stables.
  70. Viktor's Hall, an inn. Dean Frimple, minor NPC, is a customer.
  71. Home of Peggy Woods, who sells memberships to the Body Guild.
  72. Empty building
  73. Home of Elsie Freedman, who sells memberships to the Mind Guild.
  74. Home of Mynasia, who teaches expert Mind Magic.
  75. Home of Wilma Rothwing, who sells memberships to the Spirit Guild.
  76. This duplex houses Michele Blackshire, who teaches expert Spirit Magic on one side, and Tim O'Hoolihan, who teaches expert Body Magic on the other.
  77. The Adept Guild of Water.
  78. Bridge on the road to Bootleg Bay and Darkmoor.
  79. Home of Mort Arnosti, minor NPC.




  1. Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia. New World Computing. Mission: The Mandate of Heaven (scenario, in English). 1999.
  2. Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. New World Computing. Quote: "Free Haven is the oldest and most prosperous city in the Kingdom. With a natural harbor and the Oracle, it was only common sense for people to gather here since the Silence." (in English). 1998.
  3. Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. New World Computing. Quote: "Though small, the village of Rockham serves as a trading post and rest stop for people travelling around the Kingdom. 'Though all roads may lead to Free Haven, nearly every traveler has to pass through Rockham to get there." (in English). 1998.
  4. Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. New World Computing. Quote: "I am Melian, Guardian of Enroth. Thank you for replacing my memory modules. Archibald took them from here when I refused to give him any help in his battle for succession. Your timing is impeccable. The Kreegan have invaded our world, and you must try and stop them. Unfortunately, Archibald’s attempts at extracting information from me have damaged me enough that I cannot help you directly now. Instead, I can only give you advice. (in English). 1998.
Towns and Regions of Enroth
Towns Abdul's Desert Resort · Alamos · Blackshire · Darkmoor · Edenbrook · Freehaven · Harecksburg · Hargraeve · Ironfist · Kriegspire · Mist · New Sorpigal · Rockham · Silver Cove · White Cap
Regions Blackshire · Bootleg Bay · Castle Ironfist · Dragonsand · Eel-infested Waters · Free Haven · Frozen Highlands · Hermit's Isle · Kriegspire · Mire of the Damned · Misty Islands · New Sorpigal · Paradise Valley · Silver Cove · Sweet Water