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Foz the Axe was a member of Tawni Balfour's crew, and appears in the A Pirate's Daughter campaign in Heroes of Might and Magic IV. When he was the first person to apply for the job of first mate, Tawni killed him for showing too much ambition.


Foz is described as a "rugged man with bulging muscles." Before he became a pirate, he'd been a soldier, and was one of the best fighters in Tawni's crew.

When Black Balfour died, Tawni told the crew that anyone that wanted to be first mate should report to her. Foz was the first person to show up, so Tawni shot him with a hidden crossbow, telling the wounded man that anyone that was ambitious enough to be the first person in line was too ambitious to trust. As she aimed the crossbow at his chest, she told him she'd give him a decent sailor's funeral. Foz replied that he'd seen her cut the ropes tying her father's corpse to the weights, meaning instead of sinking to the bottom, it would float up and be eaten by sharks. She told Foz that in that case, she'd just throw him out with the refuse instead, and killed him.


Foz appears only in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.

Heroes IV characters Icon-H4
Original campaign protagonists Cyrca - King Elwin - King Gauldoth Half-Dead - General Tharj Orcsplitter - Gramin - King Lysander Gryphonheart - King Waerjak - Lady Desette - Pete Girly - Proetho - Queen Emilia Nighthaven - Reed - Sir Kentaine - Solmyr ibn Wali Barad - Suraze - Tawni Balfour
Antagonists Captain Swift - Kalibarr - King Gavin Magnus - King Worton - Lord Harke - Old King Dreggar - Solmyr ibn Wali Barad - Vogel Backbreaker - Mer-Queen
Supporting campaign characters Anda - Anda's father - Adamus - Alana - Arnoc the Hairless - Bawdo - Black Balfour - Captain Enric - Captain Ferth - Queen Catherine Ironfist - Daeraphena - Daeric - Dirty-face Derring - Driden - Eight-fingers Oba - Elf King - Foz the Axe - Gelu - God of Death - Gory Gordy - Hadrin - Hoff - Hundric - Jim Journey - King Kilgor - King Nicolas Gryphonheart - Koelox - Korbert - Lord Bloth - Lord Landrew - Malvich - Mastero - Mazellian - Menathat - The Minotaur King - Mirilass - Mott - Norry - Reed - Sandro - Sir Mardor - Worllarc - Milton - Shaera - Tarnum - Wulgar