Might and Magic Wiki

For the faction in other games, see Fortress.

Fortress is a faction of dwarves in the Might & Magic: Heroes VII expansion, Trial by Fire. They worship Arkath, Dragon God of Fire.


"The Dwarves have coalesced from a series of scattered clans into a mighty nation, capable of defending itself against all enemies. Children of the Dragon of Fire, they worship him in the deep places of the world where magma provides the only light, and in return they are taught the secrets of the forge and the hearth."




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"I told you to see if he's in the league with the Faceless, not to burn his eyes out!"

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Village hall Fortress H7 Town hall Fortress H7 City hall Fortress H7Capitol Fortress H7Hall of Heroes Fortress H7
Village hall Town hall City hallCapitolHall of Heroes
Provides the option to build new structures in this town. Provides 500 Gold per day. Provides additional 500 Gold per day. Provides additional 1000 Gold per day.Provides additional 1500 Gold per day. You can have only one Capitol.Provides the option to enlist new and defeated heroes.




1000 Gold
Village hall
Town level 3


5000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
Town hall
Town level 9


10000 Gold
10 Wood
10 Ore
City hall
Town level 15


500 Gold
5 Ore

Marketplace Fortress H7
MarketplaceRune designerArmory
Provides the option to trade resources.Provides the option to buy Rune Stones.Warfare unit production. Provides the option to buy Fortress Ballistae.


500 Gold


5 Ore
500 Gold
Town level 3


2 Shadowsteel
1000 Gold
Shield barracks


Fortification level 1 Fortress H7 Fortification level 2 Fortress H7 Fortification level 3 Fortress H7Moat Fortress H7Runic fortifications Fortress H7
Fortifications level 1 Fortifications level 2 Fortifications level 3MoatRunic fortifications
Equips the town with walls and gate in siege combats and a local guard of Defenders and Kobold Scouts. Increases the hit points of walls and gate in siege combats. Adds Dis and Rune Priests to the local guard. Increases the capacities and growth of creatures in the local guard. Increases the hit points of walls and gate in siege combats. Increases the capacities and growth of creatures in the local guard.Equips the town with a moat in siege combats. Creatures get stopped when moving into the Moat. They also get X Dark damage at start of their turn for X turns.
The town`s walls, gate and towers have 30% more health points. In siege combats in this town 6 fire rune traps are placed on the combat grid.


1500 Gold
10 Wood
5 Ore
Town level 6


1500 Gold
5 Ore
Fortifications level 1
Town level 9


1500 Gold
5 Ore
Fortifications level 2
Town level 15


600 Gold
5 Wood
Fortification level 1
Town level 6


1000 Gold
5 Ore
2 Shadowsteel
Fortifications level 1
Town level 9


Arkath's eternal flame Fortress H7 Foundry Fortress H7 Sacred fire Fortress H7Embassy Fortress H7
Arkath's eternal flame Foundry Sacred fireExchequer officeEmbassy
Provides 5000 Gold per day and increases the growth of creatures by 50% in this town. Provides four major artifacts, four relics and the artifact The Fire Drake when built. Equips the town with 2 towers in siege combats. Visiting heroes benefit from +2 Might and +5 Leadership during the next 3 combats.At start of every week the building generates 10% of your current gold, capped at 20000 gold. This applies before all other gold income.+15% chance for negotiations with neutral armies for your heroes in this town`s area of control.


4000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
5 Dragonblood crystal
5 Starsilver
5 Dragonsteel
5 Shadowsteel
Tear of Asha
Town level 15


5 Ore
2 Shadowsteel
500 Gold
Town level 12
Fortifications level 1


2 Wood
500 Gold


5 Wood
5 Ore
3000 Gold
Town level 12


5 Wood
5 Ore
1000 Gold
Magic guild level 1
Town level 3

Furnace Fortress H7Shrine of Arkath Fortress H7Rune atelier Fortress H7Thieves guild Fortress H7
FurnaceShrine of ArkathRune atelierThieves guild
Provides the option to convert wood and ore into gold and rare resources.
Fire spells cast by your heroes are cast on the next higher rank in this town`s area of control.
Rune auras of friendly heroes are 50% stronger in the town`s area of control. Not affected: Rune of Balance.
Provides the option to pay for information about your opponents.


2 Wood
2 Ore
500 Gold
Town level 3


5 Wood
2 Dragonblood crystal
1000 Gold
Magic guild level 1
Town level 3


5 Wood
1 Starsilver
1 Dragonblood crystal
1500 Gold
Town level 3
Rune designer


500 Gold
5 Wood
Town level 12

Magic guild[]

Magic guild level 1 Fortress H7 Magic guild level 2 Fortress H7 Magic guild level 3 Fortress H7Magic guild level 4 Fortress H7Town portal Fortress H7
Magic guild level 1 Magic guild level 2 Magic guild level 3Magic guild level 4Town portal
Provides 5 random spells of tier 1 in this town. They are granted to all visiting heroes that fulfill the requirements. Provides 4 random spells of tier 2 in this town. They are granted to all visiting heroes that fulfill the requirements. Provides 3 random spells of tier 3 in this town. They are granted to all visiting heroes that fulfill the requirements.Provides 1 random spell of tier 4 in this town. It is granted to all visiting heroes that fulfill the requirements.Provides the spell Instant Recall to all heroes visiting this town. Enables Heroes with this spell to return to this town if it is the nearest town available.


1000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
Town level 3


500 Gold
5 Ore
1 Dragonblood crystal
1 Starsilver
1 Dragonsteel
1 Shadowsteel
Magic guild level 1
Town level 6


500 Gold
5 Ore
3 Dragonblood crystal
3 Starsilver
3 Dragonsteel
3 Shadowsteel
Magic guild level 2
Town level 9


500 Gold
5 Ore
5 Dragonblood crystal
5 Starsilver
5 Dragonsteel
5 Shadowsteel
Magic guild level 3
Town level 15


500 Gold
2 Wood
2 Ore
2 Dragonblood crystal
Magic guild level 1
Town level 6

Creature production[]


[[File:]] [[File:]] [[File:]]
Shield barracks Bear pens Kobold burrowsDis bonfireRunic chapel
Core dwelling. Enables recruitment of Defenders with a growth of 22 per week. Core dwelling. Enables recruitment of Bears with a growth of 7 per week. Core dwelling. Enables recruitment of Kobold Scouts with a growth of 23 per week.Elite dwelling. Enables recruitment of Disir with a growth of 6 per week.Elite dwelling. Enables recruitment of Rune Priests with a growth of 2 per week.


900 Gold


5 Wood
1400 Gold
Town level 3


5 Wood
1000 Gold


5 Ore
3100 Gold
Sacred fire
Town level 6


5 Wood
5 Starsilver
6000 Gold
Rune designer
Town level 12

Lava confluxHearth of giantsCradle of Fire
Elite dwelling. Enables recruitment of Lava Elementals with a growth of 6 per week.Champion dwelling. Enables recruitment of Fire Giants with a growth of 1 per week.Champion dwelling. Enables recruitment of Red Dragons with a growth of 1 per week.


5 Dragonblood crystal
3500 Gold
Town level 9


5 Wood
10 Ore
5 Dragonblood crystal
10 Shadowsteel
13000 Gold
Runic chapel
Town level 15


5 Wood
15 Ore
5 Starsilver
5 Dragonsteel
13000 Gold
Dis bonfire
Town level 15


[[File:]] [[File:]] [[File:]]
Shield halls Blackbear cages Kobold warrensValkyrie bonfireRunic temple
Core dwelling upgrade. Enables recruitment and upgrade of Defenders to Shielguards. Core dwelling upgrade. Enables recruitment and upgrade of Bears to Blackbears. Core dwelling upgrade. Enables recruitment and upgrade of Kobold Scouts to Kobold Pathfinders.Elite dwelling upgrade. Enables recruitment and upgrade of Disir to Valkyries.Elite dwelling upgrade. Enables recruitment and upgrade of Rune Priests to Rune Patriarchs.


5 Ore
2 Shadowsteel
1200 Gold
Shield barracks


5 Shadowsteel
1700 Gold
Bear pens


2 Starsilver
1400 Gold
Kobold burrows


5 Shadowsteel
3600 Gold
Dis bonfire


5 Wood
10 Dragonblood crystal
7000 Gold
Runic chapel

Magma confluxHearth of einherjarsMountain of Fire
Elite dwelling upgrade. Enables recruitment and upgrade of Lava Elementals to Magma Elementals.Champion dwelling upgrade. Enables recruitment and upgrade of Fire Giants to Einherjars.
Champion dwelling upgrade. Enables recruitment and upgrade of Fire Dragons to Ardent Dragons.


5 Wood
5 Ore
5 Shadowsteel
4000 Gold
Lava conflux


10 Ore
5 Dragonsteel
10 Shadowsteel
16000 Gold
Hearth of giants


15 Ore
5 Dragonblood crystal
5 Dragonsteel
5 Shadowsteel
16000 Gold
Cradle of Fire

Growth upgrade[]

[[File:]] [[File:]] [[File:]]
Granary Workshop Fishing pondBlazing maidenFlaming pillar
+12 growth of Kobold Scouts or Kobold Pathfinders per week.
+11 growth of Defenders or Shieldguards per week. +4 growth of Bears or Blackbears per week.
+6 growth of Disir or Valkyrie per week.
+2 growth of Rune Priests or Rune Patriarchs per week.


5 Ore
1400 Gold
Kobold burrows
Town level 6


5 Wood
1200 Gold
Shield barracks
Town level 3


5 Wood
5 Ore
1700 Gold
Bears pen
Town level 6


5 Wood
5 Ore
5 Dragonsteel
4200 Gold
Dis bonfire
Town level 12


5 Wood
5 Ore
5 Starsilver
8000 Gold
Runic chapel
Town level 15

Volcanic chimney
+6 growth of Lava Elementals or Magma Elementals per week.


10 Ore
5 Dragonsteel
4500 Gold
Lava conflux
Town level 12

