- For the campaign quest series, see Forgotten Wars.
Forgotten Wars is the fourth expansion pack in Might & Magic: Duel of Champions, preceded by the Herald of the Void pack. It is succeeded by Five Towers pack. It contains 148 cards, from which:
- 51 are common
- 48 are uncommon
- 31 are rare
- 13 are unique
- 5 are heroic
This pack introduced cards from the Academy faction.
Card list[]
Name | Type | Rarity | Faction/magic school |
Akane, Caller of Memories | Hero | Heroic | Academy |
Asalah, Invoker of Castigation | Hero | Heroic | Academy |
Gazal, Lady of Secrets | Hero | Heroic | Academy |
Hakeem, Seeker of Mysteries | Hero | Heroic | Academy |
Myranda, Blademage Champion | Hero | Heroic | Academy |
Anael, Chosen of the Light | Creature | Unique | Haven |
Damran, the Tainted | Creature | Unique | Necropolis |
Dervish master | Creature | Unique | Academy |
Glyph-carved golem | Creature | Unique | Academy |
Hasafah, the Unseen Arrow | Creature | Unique | Academy |
Hikyu, Fists of Fury | Creature | Unique | Inferno |
Moon phoenix | Creature | Unique | Neutral |
Nur, Spellweaver | Creature | Unique | Academy |
Raya, Chosen of the Waves | Creature | Unique | Sanctuary |
Surging titan | Creature | Unique | Academy |
Zefiria, Windchaser | Creature | Unique | Stronghold |
Abyssal worm | Creature | Rare | Inferno |
Blade mage | Creature | Rare | Academy |
Crusader chaplain | Creature | Rare | Haven |
Djinn mentor | Creature | Rare | Academy |
Greater air elemental | Creature | Rare | Neutral |
Rakshasa scout | Creature | Rare | Academy |
Sahaar hunter | Creature | Rare | Stronghold |
Sayama champion | Creature | Rare | Santuary |
Shantiri titan | Creature | Rare | Academy |
Taweret warrior | Creature | Rare | Academy |
Void shade | Creature | Rare | Academy |
Void sycophant | Creature | Rare | Academy |
Cactus thing | Creature | Uncommon | Neutral |
Crusader treasurer | Creature | Uncommon | Haven |
Djinn catalyst | Creature | Uncommon | Academy |
Dragon golem | Creature | Uncommon | Academy |
Enslaved harpy | Creature | Uncommon | Academy |
Frenzied maniac | Creature | Uncommon | Inferno |
Guardian golem | Creature | Uncommon | Academy |
Imp jester | Creature | Uncommon | Inferno |
Nethermancer | Creature | Uncommon | Academy |
Obsidian gargoyle | Creature | Uncommon | Academy |
Putrid ghoul | Creature | Uncommon | Necropolis |
Rakshasa raja | Creature | Uncommon | Academy |
Rotting mummy | Creature | Uncommon | Necropolis |
Sahaar harpy | Creature | Uncommon | Stronghold |
Sahaar marauder | Creature | Uncommon | Stronghold |
Sahaar orc | Creature | Uncommon | Stronghold |
Sahaar skirmisher | Creature | Uncommon | Neutral |
Sayama dune prowler | Creature | Uncommon | Sanctuary |
Sayama warden | Creature | Uncommon | Sanctuary |
Scattershot marksman | Creature | Uncommon | Haven |
Sellspell djinn | Creature | Uncommon | Academy |
Soothsayer | Creature | Uncommon | Neutral |
Spellstealer wizard | Creature | Uncommon | Academy |
Titan (card) | Creature | Uncommon | Academy |
Void-tainted djinn | Creature | Uncommon | Academy |
Wizard apprentice | Creature | Uncommon | Academy |
Wizard disciple | Creature | Uncommon | Academy |
Al-Betyl ghoul | Creature | Common | Necropolis |
Arcane archer | Creature | Common | Academy |
Burning sand elemental | Creature | Common | Neutral |
Cowardly gnoll | Creature | Common | Stronghold |
Crusader commander | Creature | Common | Haven |
Crusader watchman | Creature | Common | Haven |
Dancing dervish | Creature | Common | Academy |
Demon thrall | Creature | Common | Inferno |
Djinn | Creature | Common | Academy |
Gargoyle | Creature | Common | Academy |
Lashing lilim | Creature | Common | Inferno |
Minotaur brute | Creature | Common | Academy |
Rakshasa | Creature | Common | Academy |
Rotting zombie | Creature | Common | Necropolis |
Sahaar bedouin | Creature | Common | Neutral |
Sahaar mummy | Creature | Common | Necropolis |
Sayama spy | Creature | Common | Neutral |
Sayama stalker | Creature | Common | Sanctuary |
Scholar | Creature | Common | Academy |
Spinning dervish | Creature | Common | Academy |
Spirit-bound djinn | Creature | Common | Academy |
Unstable djinn | Creature | Common | Academy |
Wizard tutor | Creature | Common | Academy |
Deep roots | Spell | Rare | Earth |
Divine judgement | Spell | Rare | Light |
Enthrall | Spell | Rare | Dark |
Forked lightning | Spell | Rare | Air |
Ink warrior | Spell | Rare | Water |
Lay of hands | Spell | Rare | Light |
Mass rage | Spell | Rare | Fire |
Void ripple | Spell | Rare | Prime |
Cursed bound | Spell | Uncommon | Dark |
Fire blast | Spell | Uncommon | Fire |
Focused mind | Spell | Uncommon | Water |
Homebound winds | Spell | Uncommon | Air |
Mass earth bound | Spell | Uncommon | Earth |
Nether soul | Spell | Uncommon | Prime |
Air trap | Spell | Common | Air |
Aura of healing | Spell | Common | Light |
Cold fear | Spell | Common | Water |
Fiery death | Spell | Common | Fire |
Sand shield | Spell | Common | Earth |
Shared agony | Spell | Common | Dark |
Spirited away | Spell | Common | Prime |
Arcane intuition | Fortune | Unique | Academy |
Time of Need | Fortune | Unique | Neutral |
A life for a life | Fortune | Rare | Necropolis |
Black Fang extortion | Fortune | Rare | Neutral |
Chain casting | Fortune | Rare | Academy |
Dangerous research | Fortune | Rare | Academy |
Gate to Sheogh | Fortune | Rare | Inferno |
Honor binds us | Fortune | Rare | Sanctuary |
Stockpile | Fortune | Rare | Academy |
Offering to the Void | Fortune | Rare | Academy |
Rushing assault | Fortune | Rare | Stronghold |
Volunteers | Fortune | Rare | Neutral |
Cosmic singularity | Fortune | Uncommon | Neutral |
Desperate assault | Fortune | Uncommon | Inferno |
Death is not the End | Fortune | Uncommon | Necropolis |
Dunes of Madness | Fortune | Uncommon | Inferno |
Forgotten spell | Fortune | Uncommon | Academy |
Harvesting the Dead | Fortune | Uncommon | Necropolis |
Rift's echo | Fortune | Uncommon | Academy |
Second chance | Fortune | Uncommon | Neutral |
Sinkhole | Fortune | Uncommon | Sanctuary |
Stolen research | Fortune | Uncommon | Academy |
Thread of Fate | Fortune | Uncommon | Academy |
Toll gate | Fortune | Uncommon | Haven |
Void tainted ritual | Fortune | Uncommon | Academy |
Ancestral guidance | Fortune | Common | Stronghold |
Arcane research | Fortune | Common | Academy |
Conversion to the Void | Fortune | Common | Academy |
Eternal battlefield | Fortune | Common | Necropolis |
Escalating madness | Fortune | Common | Inferno |
Favorite spell | Fortune | Common | Academy |
Fleeting oasis | Fortune | Common | Haven |
Fortune telling | Fortune | Common | Neutral |
Full moon | Fortune | Common | Neutral |
Garden of Ecstasy | Fortune | Common | Inferno |
Inexhaustible mine | Fortune | Common | Haven |
Lost in the Void | Fortune | Common | Academy |
Outraging vision | Fortune | Common | Stronghold |
Rivalry | Fortune | Common | Academy |
Road to Enlightment | Fortune | Common | Sanctuary |
Scrying orb | Fortune | Common | Academy |
Severed fate | Fortune | Common | Academy |
Shifting sands | Fortune | Common | Academy |
Unraveled fate | Fortune | Common | Academy |
Zen garden | Fortune | Common | Neutral |
Graduation Day | Event | Rare | Neutral |
Eye of the Mana Storm | Event | Uncommon | Neutral |
Rise of the Nethermancer | Event | Uncommon | Neutral |
Week of Training | Event | Common | Neutral |