Find a cure for Slicker Silvertongue is a main quest in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. You must have already completed the quest to Find Lord Kilburn's Shield, and then visited the Council building in Freehaven and received a rejection by Slicker Silvertongue to get this quest.
Wilbur Humphrey can't believe someone he's known for so long could be a traitor by choice, so he's convinced himself that Silvertongue must have been brainwashed by the Temple of Baa. He asks the party to go to the temple and find a cure for the brainwashing.
Minotaur → Minotaur mage → Minotaur king
Druid → Great druid → Grand druid
Acolyte of Baa → Cleric of Baa → Priest of Baa
Wilbur Humphrey can be found in Castle Ironfist in the Castle Ironfist region. The Superior Temple of Baa can be found in Kriegspire, due east of the volcano.
You will need:
- The Temple of Baa cloak that Sir Humphrey gave you or another one like it. The Superior Temple of Baa will not open for you if you don't have one. It only needs to be in someone's inventory, not worn. Note that all the monsters inside will still be hostile.
- At least one member of the party must have a minimum of either Expert Perception (level 4) or Normal Perception at level 8. The doors inside the temple will not open otherwise. This person must be the one to open all the doors and manipulate anything else inside the temple. Anyone else will take damage and not succeed.
Upon entering, you will be in a room with about 7 doors leading off from it. Choose the door straight across from the entrance and open it. Turn left in the corridor, then right. Follow that corridor back to a room with 3 alcoves. Kill the monsters in the room, then click on them to get the "high cleric's key."
Return back out of the room and follow the corridor to take the first right (it should be just before the left turn in the hallway). Go through a room with a chest on a table. The chest needs two keys to open, so you need another one.
Go out the other door of the room and turn right. Follow this corridor until it tees into another hallway. Turn right again, and follow the corridor to the end door (it will be around some bends). Go into the room and kill the monsters, then click on their bodies to get the "high sorcerer's key" (held by a Priest of Baa, not a Sorcerer).
When you have both keys, return to the room with the chest on the table. Open it to find a letter from Xenofex to Slicker Silvertongue. Take this letter back to Wilbur Humphrey at Castle Ironfist and then follow his instructions.