Final chapter: The Revelation Of The Void is a quest in Might & Magic: Heroes Online.
With Sandro defeated, the Void cultists took a severe hit. However, their preaching has infected many creatures, which have been infected by the Void.
The hero has to speak with Albin or Yorath, who propose to gather armies to combat these cultists. The hero has to complete a series of quests, which take them to Namtaru's Claws or Blackbough, where the Void-infected bosses, namely the giant swarm wyvern or Valrok have to be slain.
Once done, the hero has to regroup with Sar Khayn at the Lightlands, who reports many former Holy Falcon Empire soldiers have begun besieging Lightlands, and new menaces in form of demons and a mad wizard are close, too.
The chapter is consisted of series of quests. The hero has to complete The Peace Treaty, and from that point on, can choose to complete quests from The Gambler's Envoy to Valrok, The Cyclops or from The Ghoul's Envoy to The Heart Of The Swarm.