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Falcon's Reach is the capital city of the Holy Falcon Empire.The city had been the site of the great foundation prior to Ronan the Great's era. The city is located on top of a hill, with great towers and spires sprawling out of the ground. The surrounding area is filled with fertile farmlands and villages.

Heroes Might and Magic 6[]

In Heroes VI, the city was besieged by an Inferno Force (in the A Battle Lost and Won‏‎ scenario) in an attempt to crush the empire led by Ahribban the prince of hate, who managed to kill the emperor during the siege. In the aftermath Anton managed to break the siege and imprisoned Ahribban.

Falcon's Last Flight[]

Destruction of Falcon's Reach

During the Fourth Eclipse and the collapse of the gate of SheoghKha-Beleth sent one of his most loyal generals Jezebeth forth onto Ashan. Jezebeth pursued the queen and destroyed the capital along with Maeve the last ruling Falcon queen. With the collapse of the Falcon's house, the nobles of the land started doing battle for the throne. Later on after a bloody civil war, Ivan Griffin managed to claim the title of emperor, after winning many skirmishes against his rival claimant Seamus. The event marked the reign of Holy Griffin Empire in Heroes V. Ivan did not rebuild the city but instead moved the court to the Griffin seat of Talonguard.
