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For other characters of the same name, see Erik.

Erik is a character that appears in the Faerie Dragons scenario of the Dragon Slayer campaign in Heroes of Might and Magic III: Armageddon's Blade.


While searching for the elusive azure dragons, Dracon discovered that some mischievous faerie dragons were playing tricks on the locals, and decided that they would be a worthy challenge for him. While exploring a forest, he found a Pandora's Box, but just as he reached his hand out to open it, a leprechaun jumped on the lid. He told Dracon that his name was Erik, and that the dragon slayer shouldn't open the box under any circumstances. He then disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Despite the warning, Dracon was overcome by curiosity and opened the box, but was suddenly attacked by five faerie dragons. He managed to defeat the creatures, but as he moved on, Erik appeared in front of him, scolding him for not heeding his warning. The leprechaun then laughed and disappeared, leaving behind a four-leaf clover.

Later, Dracon found another Pandora's Box, and the leprechaun appeared at his side again. He warned him not to open it, and vanished. Dracon opened the box, and was attacked by 35 faerie dragons.

After the fight, the leprechaun reappeared, shaking his head and laughing as he asked Dracon if he purposely didn't pay attention to anyone. Dracon tried to ignore him and walk away, but Erik followed him, lecturing him for hours. Finally, Dracon had enough and tried to slap his head off, but the instant his hand made contact, the leprechaun vanished.

Dracon continued on his journey, and found his path blocked by a garrison guarded by 59 faerie dragons. When he had fought his way through, Erik appeared again, telling Dracon that since he hadn't listened to him before, he didn't bother warning him about the garrison. Dracon told him that it had been quite pleasant not having him around. Erik responded that "If you are going to be like that then I won't tell you that one Faerie Dragon got away and is now returning with more," before once again vanishing into thin air. Dracon was then attacked by 12 faerie dragons.

Some time later, Dracon found a one-way monolith leading to the faerie dragons he was searching for. When he stepped through, he found Erik sitting on a stump with a grin on his face. Dracon wondered why the leprechaun wasn't mad that he'd tried to take his head off, when Erik suddenly shimmered and faded away, replaced by three sets of faerie dragons. Dracon realized that the creatures had been playing with him all along.

After defeating the faerie dragons, Dracon continued his search for the mighty azure dragons.

Heroes of Might and Magic III characters Icon-H3
Restoration of Erathia campaigns
Protagonists Astral - Sir Christian - Lord Haart - Jenova - Korbac - Nimbus - Queen Catherine Ironfist - Ryland - Shiva - Verdish - Vidomina - Vokial - Zubin
Antagonists Ajit - Alamar - Arlach - Darkstorm - Edric - General Morgan Kendal - Griffin king - Gurnisson - Korbac - Kreelah clan leader - Lorelei - Loynis - Malekith - Mephala - Mot - Necrolord - Oris - Sandro - Tyris - Verdish - Yog
Supporting campaign characters Adela - Dorrell - Faruk Welnin - Finneas Vilmar - King Lucifer Kreegan III - King Nicolas Gryphonheart - Memphos - Orrin - Sorsha - Winstan Langer
Armageddon's Blade campaigns
Protagonists Adrienne - Ash - Sir Christian - Ciele - Cuthbert - Dracon - Erdamon - Gelu - General Morgan Kendal - King Kilgor - King Roland Ironfist - Mutare Drake - Olema - Oris - Queen Catherine Ironfirst - Sorsha - Xeron
Antagonists Ajorn - Alkin - Ash - Clancy - Clavius - Crag Hack - Deemer - Dessa - Dikisha - Duke Winston Boragus - Elleshar - Fiona - Ignatius - Galthran - Gird - Godomir - Gretchin - Gundula - Hortensia - Isra - Jabarkas - Jelan - Kajitianna - Krellion - Lorelei - Luna - Mihalis - Nagash - Nuzrath - Nymus - Obekan - Olema - Ordwald - Photima - Pyre - Qenay - Rion - Sandro - Septienna - Sethe - Shiva - Sir Mullich - Tamika - Tejveer - Terek - Vellore - Vey - Yog - Xeron - Xsi - Zartaj - Zubin
Supporting campaign characters Alamar - Archibald Ironfist - Ash - Baltron - Calh - Calid - Ciele - Dracon's mother - Erdamon - Dread Pirate Hogfling - Erik - Fiur - Gelare - Ignissa - Inteus - General Miah - Johannes Bonn - Judge Fairweather - Ketai - Khazandar - Khazandar's apprentice - Kilgor's father - Kieran - Labetha - King Lucifer Kreegan - Lord Caomham - Pasis - Lord Preuet - Master of Scouts - Morglin Ironfist - Nayestra - Sir Michael - Judge Sleen - Sylvia - Tamar - Tavin - Thunar - Xeron's mother - Xex - Zydar
The Shadow of Death campaigns
Protagonists Clancy - Crag Hack - Finneas Vilmar - Gelu - Gem - Sandro - Terek - Yog
Antagonists Duke Alarice - Barshon - Caleb - Charna - Charnath - Lord Chasim - Denarm - Lord Fayette - Gretchin - Gurnis - Marzeth - Shiva - Lord Smedth - Swankart - Tyranell - Lord Velmor - Venthin - Zinitha - Zorlan
Supporting campaign characters Aine - Alendora - Alkin - Amanda - Astral - Beleg - Broghild - Delino - Drakon - Duke Winston Boragus - Falor - Feredor - Isra - Ivor - Malcom - Orruk - Slash - Terwen - Thant - Tyris - Ufretin - Uland - Vayarad - Vokial