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"I don't know what had drawn Enric to this lifestyle - perhaps some romantic appeal, or fear of death, or just plain homocidal tendencies - but he was exactly the type of undead that I despised. Witless and consumed by their own sense of evil."
—Gauldoth Half-Dead

Enric is a vampire appearing in the Half-Dead campaign in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.

Enric first appeared in the Eater of Children scenario, when Gauldoth, after destroying Vitross, informs Sir Mardor that one of his own commanders, Enric, was on his way to Great Arcan to tell queen Emilia that a group of barbarians had razed the city, drawing suspicion away from the necromancer. As a reward, one of Gauldoth's vampires would turn the commander into one of the undead, granting him immortality.

When Gauldoth turned sir Mardor into a ghost and made him his military commander, Captain Enric came under his command. The vampire suffered near starvation, as Mardor still resented the man's betrayal, but Mardor still trusted him enough to leave him in charge when he was away.

When Gauldoth travelled in Nekross to fight against a kreegan rebellion, captain Enric went with him. While fighting some imps that were terrorizing the citizens of a small village, Gauldoth found Enric attacking the humans. He had the priestess Alana against the wall, ready to feed on her, and had already slain her father. Gauldoth was disappointed that Enric was too easily controlled by his hunger, and had forgotten that he had given orders not to harm the living.

He dragged Enric outside by his hair and pinned him to the ground with four spears, one in each arm and leg, and used a fifth spear to silence his screams. This was not fatal to a vampire, but the rising sun was, and Gauldoth gave orders that no one was to free Enric, but leave him there for twenty-four hours.

"When daylight came, Enric was doomed. By the terrified look in his eyes, he knew it."
—Gauldoth Half-Dead

Heroes IV characters Icon-H4
Original campaign protagonists Cyrca - King Elwin - King Gauldoth Half-Dead - General Tharj Orcsplitter - Gramin - King Lysander Gryphonheart - King Waerjak - Lady Desette - Pete Girly - Proetho - Queen Emilia Nighthaven - Reed - Sir Kentaine - Solmyr ibn Wali Barad - Suraze - Tawni Balfour
Antagonists Captain Swift - Kalibarr - King Gavin Magnus - King Worton - Lord Harke - Old King Dreggar - Solmyr ibn Wali Barad - Vogel Backbreaker - Mer-Queen
Supporting campaign characters Anda - Anda's father - Adamus - Alana - Arnoc the Hairless - Bawdo - Black Balfour - Captain Enric - Captain Ferth - Queen Catherine Ironfist - Daeraphena - Daeric - Dirty-face Derring - Driden - Eight-fingers Oba - Elf King - Foz the Axe - Gelu - God of Death - Gory Gordy - Hadrin - Hoff - Hundric - Jim Journey - King Kilgor - King Nicolas Gryphonheart - Koelox - Korbert - Lord Bloth - Lord Landrew - Malvich - Mastero - Mazellian - Menathat - The Minotaur King - Mirilass - Mott - Norry - Reed - Sandro - Sir Mardor - Worllarc - Milton - Shaera - Tarnum - Wulgar