Might and Magic Wiki

The elf is a second-level creature for the Preserve town in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.


The elf is a great ranged attacker, a group of them can cut down the enemy lines in a few turns.

Her double shot allows them to massacre melee fighters and topple other rangers. Unfortunately, the elf has worse stats than the white tiger, but both of her abilities rank her among the best ranged attackers.


AbilityRangedIV Ranged
The Ranged ability allows this creature to attack enemies at a distance, but in melee combat this creature does half damage unless she has the Normal Melee ability.
AbilityShootsTwiceIV Shoots Twice
Shoots Twice allows this ranged creature to fire twice each time it attacks. The second attack occurs after any enemy retaliation.
AbilityRangedFirstStrikeIV Ranged First Strike
Ranged First Strike allows this creature to strike a target in ranged combat before its target can retaliate.

Town creatures
Wolf · Sprite · White tiger · Elf · Griffin · Unicorn · Phoenix · Faerie dragon
Creature Portal creatures
Leprechaun · Satyr · Fire elemental · Earth elemental · Air elemental · Water elemental · Waspwort · Mantis
Dwelling creatures
Gargantuan (TGS)