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The Ekelbreth Sumanunala is a dark elven prophecy about the end of the world. It is mentioned in Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer.

The prophecy said that the universe was cyclical, and that the world had been created, destroyed, and recreated many times at the whim of the elemental lords. The current age, the age of peace (or "Aege of Shefar") would be followed by the "Aege of Purification", where the races of the land would be in open conflict, and the world would eventually be destroyed.

After Escaton's appearance on Enroth, and the natural disasters that plagued the land, Bastian Loudrin believed that the prophecy was coming true. The Ekelbreth Sumanunala also spoke of a hero that would rise to either doom or save the land, and said that "The land that stands together will be saved. That which does not will perish". Bastian believed that the adventurer that had brought him the bad news was the prophesied Hero of Jadame, and tasked the hero with forging the Alliance of Jadame.

"A tyme of stryfe and woe shall follow the ‘Aege of Shefar,’ and in this Aege, all shall fall to naught as the gates of chaos are opened unto Enroth. And this shall be a sygn unto ye — when the elemental forces of the Earth, the Wind, the Fyre and the Water shall freely roam your lands, to usher death and destruction upon theyr wings, ye shall have entered the fynale Aege, ‘the Aege of Purification.’ Once this Aege hath begun, there shalt be no recourse. For lo’ the lords of the Earth, the Wind, the Fyre and the Water both giveth lyfe unto thee and stryketh lyfe from thee. In tymes of stryfe the cycle of destruction cannot be avoided and thyne only repose shall be death. However, in tymes of harmony those that gather in allyance shall stand the possibility of surviving the purification and warding off the end of the ‘Aege of Shefar’ to enjoy a prolonged era of peace.”"
—Excerpt from the Ekelbreth Sumanunala
