Might and Magic Wiki
Might and Magic Wiki

"I told you to see if he's in the league with the Faceless, not to burn his eyes out!"

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Icon-MM9 Ebora Icon-MM9
Hit Points: 1,768
Armor Class: 99
Damage: 9D6+66
Range: 60
Reach: 36
Movement limit: 0
Speed: 450
Attack Speed: 30
Primary attack: Physical
Spells: Grandmaster Column of Fire (primary 15, secondary 15)
Grandmaster souldrinker (primary 12, secondary 4)
Level: 99
Experience: 16,187
Treasure: Level 5 treasure
Elemental: 0
Spirit: 0
Light: 0
Dark: 0
Physical: 0

Ebora is a minor character in Might and Magic IX. She is a demon that the party accidentally releases during the course of the game. She later invades a Bathhouse.


Ebora is first encountered in the Break through the hard rock quest. Ketil Strongpick asks the party to break through a particularly hard rock wall in the Thjorad Mine. When they do, Ebora is released, but she quickly disappears.

The party reunites with Ebora during the Clean out the Bathhouse quest, where the party must drive Ebora and her concubines out of the Bathhouse. Ebora has a melee attack that does 9D6+66 physical damage, and can also use the Column of Fire and souldrinker spells. She is a tough foe, but fortunately, the party doesn't have to slay her - once all the concubines have been slain, Ebora will leave.
