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Might and Magic Wiki
For the magical school in other games, see Earth magic.
Earth H6

Earth Magic icon.

Earth Magic is a set of hero abilities in Might & Magic: Heroes VI.

Earth Magic school is available to all factions.


Tier I[]

Tier I abilities have no requirement.

Number of abilities: 3
Icon Ability Type Description Effect
Earth Magic H6 Earth magic I Neutral Reputation (passive, adventure) Hero gains 3 Magic Power (Earth).
Regeneration H6 Regeneration Tears Reputation (active, combat) Target friendly stack is healed by X /turn. Lasts 3 turns. Cooldown: 3 turns.
Mana cost: 25
Stone Skin Stone skin Tears Reputation (active, combat) Reduces Damage (Might) dealt to target friendly stack by X% for 5 turns. Cooldown: 1 turns.
Mana cost: 10

Tier II[]

Tier II abilities require hero level 5 or higher.

Number of abilities: 5
Icon Ability Type Description Effect
Earth Magic H6 Earth magic II Neutral Reputation (passive, adventure) Hero gains 3 Magic Power (Earth).
(Earth magic I ability required)
Erosion Erosion Blood Reputation (active, combat) Deals 3 structural damage to target wall or obstacle. Cooldown: 3 turns.
Mana cost: 15
Regeneration Mass Regeneration, mass Tears Reputation (active, combat) All friendly stacks are healed by X /turn. Lasts 3 turns.
(Regeneration ability required)
Cooldown: 3 turns.
Mana cost: 50
Rockwalls Rockwalls Tears Reputation (active, combat) Creates three blocks of 1x1 rockwall with 1 structure point to the targeted areas for X turns. Each block provides cover to ranged attacks. Cooldown: 3 turns.
Mana cost: 20
Stone Skin Mass Stone skin, mass Tears Reputation (active, combat) Reduces Damage (Might) dealt to all friendly stacks by X% for 5 turns.
(Stone skin ability required)
Cooldown: 3 turns.
Mana cost: 40

Tier III[]

Tier III abilities require hero level 15 or higher.

Number of abilities: 5
Icon Ability Type Description Effect
Earth Magic H6 Earth magic III Neutral Reputation (passive, adventure) Hero gains 3 Magic Power (Earth).
(Earth magic II ability required)
Earthquake Earthquake Blood Reputation (active, combat) Deals 4 structural damage to walls and obstacles in the target 4x4 area. All creatures caught within the area will also be "Dazed". Cooldown: 3 turns.
Mana cost: 50
Petrification H6 Petrification Tears Reputation (active, combat) Target creature turns to stone and becomes invulnerable for 2 turns. Target enemies cannot act. Target friendly creatures may act but doing so will dispel this effect. Cooldown: 4 turns.
Mana cost: 45
Poison Cloud Poison cloud Blood Reputation (active, combat) Creates a 3x3 cloud of poison which deals X damage (Earth) each turn. Lasts until the end of the combat. Charges: 1
Mana cost: 75
Summon Earth Elemental Summon earth elemental Tears Reputation (active, combat) Summons X Earth Elementals. Cooldown: 3 turns.
Mana cost: 45


  • Master of Earth (Specialization) - Increases the effectiveness of Magic (Earth) by 6%
  • Regeneration master (Specialization) - Receives Regeneration by default with 10% bonus.
  • Stone skin master (Specialization) - Receives Stone Skin by default with 10% bonus.
  • Brythigga amber (Neck artifact) - Damage (Earth) spells deal 20% more damage
  • Batu's totem (Dynasty Weapon) - Earth Affinity: Increases Magic Power (Earth) by 5. Mana cost of all Earth spells is reduced by 10%.