Might and Magic Wiki
For the character in Heroes III, see Drakon (Enroth).

Drakon is a hero in Might & Magic: Heroes VII.


Wizards often joke that when the mages of House Chimera were distributing qualities to their Beastmen creations, Gnolls were probably hiding somewhere. Drakon is the living proof it is not the case. Wily and charismatic, Drakon didn't only prove to be a skilled warrior but also a reliable commander of armies. As a result, the other Gnolls are practically volunteering to fight for him.OffBck


Drakon is a Chieftain.


Hero Trait
Gnoll Chieftain H7 Gnoll Chieftain
Governor: +12 to growth of Gnolls and Gnoll Hunters in this city's Area of Control.OffBck


Drakon appears only in Might & Magic: Heroes VII.


Might & Magic: Heroes VII characters Icon-H7
Original Campaign
Protagonists Original: Fahada - Imani - Ivan Griffin - Tomas Wolf - Vayaron - Wysloth - Zenda
Antagonists Asad al-Kzin - Ashbeth - Jengo - Krysztoff - Qasim - Seamus - Serguei Griffin - Yasir
Supporting campaign characters Anastasya Griffin - Bluebeak - Danan - Giovanni - Kente - Kibwe - Konrad - Lasir - Nolwenn - Murazel - Reem - Sylrael - Tanis - Tieru - Vein
Standard heroes Academy: Aali - Ajit - Asad al-Kzin - Fahada - Gloria - Johari - Masfar - Minasli - Mirym - Nur - Saabira - Solmyr - Yasir
Dungeon: Ashbeth - Darkstorm - Lethos - Salvin - Sephinroth - Sinitar - Sorshan - Sylsai - Yeshtar - Yrbeth - Yrris
Haven: Alesia - Amilcar - Christian - Edric - Ella - Krysztoff - Melisande - Orna - Serguei Griffin - Tyris - Archbishop Wilhelm - Ymoril
Necropolis: Charna - Kaspar - Lordess Ludmilla - Lucretia - Luna - Lyla - Merikh - Naadir - Zakera - Zoltan
Stronghold: Amari - Anga - Ann - Bilashi - Drakon - Gird - Ishi - Kengi - Kibwe - Reem - Shani - Yog
Sylvan: Agathin - Ciele - Dirael - Gem - Ivor - Jenova - Lasir - Ossir - Sailin - Sinithala - Sylrael - Tieru