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The Dragoons' Caverns is a dungeon in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. Located along the coast just south of Castle Ironfist, the Dragoons are using it as a base of operations to attack travelers along the road between Castle Ironfist and New Sorpigal. They are also well placed to coordinate with the Shadow Guild, with whom they are working.

This dungeon is the target of two quests: Recover Andrew's harp from the Dragoons and Find evidence against the Shadow Guild.

Chests in this dungeon require Disarm Trap level 4 to open. Note that, regardless of skill level, all trapped chests in the game have a chance to explode on a critical failure. Save your game before opening a chest.

The Dragoons' Caverns is a dungeon with 4 overlapping levels. To better aid with reading the map, these levels have been colored differently: Surface level (1) is black; Level 2 is purple; Level 3 is blue; and Level 4 (shallow water level) is primarily navy blue. Note that the water is on the blue Level 3 at its highest end (it flows downhill to the navy blue level 4).

Please refer to the map for numbered and lettered locations.

1. Entrance[]

The party will not be immediately challenged upon entering as no one is currently present near the entrance. There is, however, an overlook to area 14, so they have been seen and won't remain alone for very long.

2. Forward Area[]

Three or four Thugs, Ruffians, and/or Brigands are waiting here to attack the party before they can get further into the Caverns.

Two doors lead out of this area: one to the south (stright ahead), and one to the east (left).

3. Anteroom[]

This otherwise empty room, entered through the south door (above), is full of more Thugs, Ruffians, and Brigands.

The door leading out the other side of the room (at A) is securely in place despite the lack of a visible locking mechanism, and will not budge.

4. Guard Room 1[]

This small room is full of more Thugs, Ruffians, and Brigands.

5. Guard Room 2[]

This small room is also full of more Thugs, Ruffians, and Brigands. A secret door on the north wall leads to area 6.

6. Secret Room 1[]

No guards are present in this room, which contains only two switches. The west switch opens and closes the door at D, far into the dungeon. The east switch (a) opens and closes the door at A.

7. Ramp Room[]

This room has a narrow, winding ramp that leads down to the level below. A few Thugs, Ruffians, and/or Brigands are waiting around at the entrance and on the lower level.

Two doors lead out of this room: one to the west (behind part of the ramp) and one to the south.

8. Water Access Area[]

A few Thugs, Ruffians, and Brigands are hanging out here. The southwest corner of the raised part of the room contains 3 attribute-boosting barrels. The water is full of Oozes, Acidic oozes, and Corrosive oozes.

9. Switch Room 1[]

This raised room, at the end of a small maze of winding tunnels, contains a switch on a platform at the far end. This switch toggles with the switch in area 6 (Secret Room 1) to open and close the door at A. More Thugs, Ruffians, and Brigands, along with a single Fighter, Soldier, and/or Veteran guard the switch.

The maze of tunnels leading to this room house a chest at B. This chest contains a Wooden Flute. Possession of this flute will allow the bearer entrance to the New World Computing dungeon in Dragonsand. A group of Thugs, Ruffians, and Brigands are prowling the maze.

The engraving on the wall nearest the chest will confer a permanent +10 Luck to the active character.

10. Elevator Room 1[]

On this side of the caverns, an elevator leads down to Level 2. A few Thugs, Ruffians, and Brigands are waiting for it at the bottom.

11. Meeting Room[]

This room is full of Thugs, Ruffians, and Brigands. A single chest holds some gold and mid-level items.

12. Secret Room 2[]

The only clue from the corridor that anything is here is a slot-like design on the wall at the entrance. The switch to open the door (at c) is in area 13.

Inside the room is a chest containing a letter from the Prince of Thieves to Damien, the leader of the Shadow Guild, in which he specifically names that Guild as accomplices.

13. Switch Room 2[]

This raised room contains a switch (C) on a platform at the far end that will open the wall at c concealing Secret Room 2. Guarding it is a single Fighter, Soldier, and/or Veteran.

14. Bridge Room 1[]

A large number of Thugs, Ruffians, and Brigands are lurking in this room on both sides of the bridge. In the water below, confined there by the steep sides of the chasm, are Oozes, Acidic oozes, and Corrosive oozes.

15. Bridge Room 2[]

More Thugs, Ruffians, and Brigands lurk in this room on both sides of the narrow plank that serves as a bridge over the 2-level deep chasm that spans the center of the room. Far below in the water are a few Oozes, Acidic oozes, and Corrosive oozes.

On the far side of the room, in an alcove behind a door is a switch (d) that opens and closes the door at D in area 16.

16. Preparation Room[]

Several Thugs, Ruffians, and Brigands are in this room and in the hallway leading to it. The door leading out of it (D) is closed and will not budge unless one of the switches for it (in area 6 or area 15) has been thrown.

17. Elevator Room 2[]

This elevator leads down to Level 3. Waiting for it at the bottom are several Thugs, Ruffians, and Brigands.

18. Dispersal Room[]

Two exits lead from this room; one to a small, decoy treasure room and the other to the main loot area. Several Thugs, Ruffians, and Brigands are standing around in this room.

19. Decoy Treasure Room 1[]

This room contains a chest with a small amount of gold and possibly a few minor items. A few Thugs, Ruffians, and Brigands are present.

20. Main Hall[]

A few Thugs, Ruffians, and/or Brigands are present here in this large room with a brightly colored floor.

21. Decoy Treasure Room 2[]

The two chests in this room contain only a small amount of gold and some low-level items. Nevertheless they are guarded by a few Thugs, Ruffians, and Brigands.

22. Bridge Room 3[]

A high, walled bridge leads through this room to the Main Treasure Room at 23. A few more Thugs, Ruffians, and Brigands are present in front of the door to 23.

In the water below the bridge are several Oozes, Acidic oozes, and Corrosive oozes. A treasure chest lies in the corner of the room at the level of the water. Anyone falling or jumping from the bridge to the water level would have to traverse the long aqueduct back to the stairway at 8 to get out of the water, which is shallow enough to walk in. Oozes fill the water inside the aqueduct.

23. Main Treasure Room[]

Patrolling this room are several Thugs, Ruffians, and Brigands, as well as a Veteran.

Six chests line the back wall of the raised area of the room. Only one always contains treasure; the others are all teleporters designed to take an intruder to some other area of the Caverns. The specific areas are randomly determined each time the game is loaded (and one or more may also randomly contain treasure).

The second chest from the left (east, at E) contains Andrew Besper's harp, along with some mid-level items.


OozeAcidic oozeCorrosive ooze



Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven dungeons
Abandoned Temple · Agar's Laboratory · Castle Alamos · Castle Darkmoor · Castle Kriegspire · Caves of the Dragonriders · Control Center · Corlagon's Estate · Devil's Outpost · Dragon's Lair · Dragoons' Caverns · Dragoons' Keep · Ethric the Mad's Tomb · Freehaven Sewers · Gharik's Forge · Goblinwatch · Hall of the Fire Lord · Icewind Keep · Lair of the Wolf · New World Computing Dungeon · Shadow Guild · Shadow Guild Hideout · Silver Helm Outpost · Silver Helm Stronghold · Snergle's Caverns · Snergle's Iron Mine · Superior Temple of Baa · Supreme Temple of Baa · Temple of Baa · Temple of the Fist · Temple of the Moon · Temple of the Snake · Temple of the Sun · Temple of Tsantsa · The Hive · The Monolith · The Oracle · Tomb of VARN · Warlord's Fortress