Might and Magic Wiki
For other uses, see diplomacy.

Diplomacy is a secondary skill in Heroes of Might and Magic III.

Increases the chance wandering creatures will offer to join the hero’s army and lowers the cost of surrendering to another hero.OffBck


Diplomacy increases the chances of neutral creatures joining the hero. It also decreases the cost of surrendering.

  • Basic Diplomacy: 25% of creatures normally fleeing from your army offer to join. Cost of surrendering is reduced by 20%.
  • Advanced Diplomacy: 50% of creatures normally fleeing from your army offer to join. Cost of surrendering is reduced by 40%.
  • Expert Diplomacy: All creatures normally fleeing from your army offer to join. Cost of surrendering is reduced by 60%.

This skill also enables the hero to gain bonuses when visiting the Library of Enlightenment: hero level 8 for Basic, 6 for Advanced and 4 for Expert Diplomacy, instead of the usual hero level 10.

Skill rates[]

Diplomacy skill can be learned at certain rates by the following classes:



  • It is important to note that there are several factors influencing creatures joining. First of them is strength of the player's army compared to the enemy stack. Second is creatures attitude towards the player - savage will never join, no matter other circumstances. Third is percentage of the player's army occupied by creatures of the same type as the enemy. Fourth and the last one is diplomacy skill. Some creatures will ask for money for joining, but most of them will not, especially if they are weak enough.