Might and Magic Wiki
Might and Magic Wiki
For the skill, see Destructive Magic.

Destructive Magic is a school of magic appearing in Heroes of Might and Magic V.


Level 1[]

Number of spells: 2
Icon Name Mana cost Description Skill level Notes
Unskilled Basic Advanced Expert
Spell Eldritch arrow Eldritch arrow 4 Shoots a magic missile to deal Fire damage to the selected enemy creature. 8 * (6 + Power) 8 * (7 + Power) 8 * (8 + Power) 8 * (9 + Power)
Spell Stone spikes Stone spikes 5 Deals Earth damage to all creatures in target area (cross form). 8 * (3 + Power) 8 * (4 + Power) 8 * (5 + Power) 8 * (6 + Power) Stone spikes, at no level, is cast by druid elders.

Level 2[]

Number of spells: 2
Icon Name Mana cost Description Skill level Notes
Unskilled Basic Advanced Expert
Spell Ice bolt Ice bolt 6 Deals Water damage to selected enemy unit. 12 * (5 + Power) 12 * (6 + Power) 12 * (7 + Power) 12 * (8 + Power) Ice bolt, at basic level, is cast by water elementals. If the hero has Master of Ice ability, the enemy target struck with this spell is frozen. Cold death ability kills at least one creature with this spell.
Spell Lightning bolt Lightning bolt 5 Deals Air damage to selected enemy unit. 11 * (Power + 1) 14 * (Power + 1) 17 * (Power + 1) 20 * (Power + 1) Lightning bolt, at basic level, is cast by druids and its upgrade, at advanced level, druid elders. If the hero has Master of Storms ability, the enemy target struck with this spell is stunned.

Level 3[]

Number of spells: 3
Icon Name Mana cost Description Skill level Notes
Unskilled Basic Advanced Expert
Spell Fireball Fireball 10 Deals Fire damage to all units in a 3x3 area. 11 * (Power + 1) 14 * (Power + 1) 17 * (Power + 1) 20 * (Power + 1) Fireball, at basic level, is cast by archmages, as well as pit fiends, at basic level, and its upgrade, pit lords. If the hero has Master of Fire ability, the targets struck with this spell have 50% Defense reduced. This spell deals half damage to units with fire resistance ability.
It is also cast by rune keepers. Icon-H5X2
Spell Firewall Destructive Firewall
16 Creates a wall of fire in the selected area on battlefield. Deals Fire damage to all creatures in this area during several turns. 9 * (Power + 1) 11 * (Power + 1) 13 * (Power + 1) 15 * (Power + 1) This was a Summoning Magic spell, but was transferred to Destructive Magic school in Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East.
Firewall, at advanced level, is cast by rune patriarchs. If the hero has Master of Fire ability, the targets struck with this spell have 50% Defense reduced. This spell deals half damage to units with fire resistance ability. Icon-H5X1
Spell Circle of Winter Circle of Winter 9 Deals Water damage to all units surrounding the target spot. 12 * (5 + Power) 12 * (6 + Power) 12 * (7 + Power) 12 * (8 + Power) Circle of Winter, at basic level, is cast by water elementals. If the hero has Master of Ice ability, the enemy target struck with this spell is frozen. Cold Death ability kills at least one creature with this spell.

Level 4[]

Number of spells: 2
Icon Name Mana cost Description Skill level Notes
Unskilled Basic Advanced Expert
Spell Chain lightning Chain lightning 16 Deals Air damage to several adjacent creatures, starting with the selected one. Chain Lightning hits 4 creatures in a row, even if friendly. The damage inflicted is halved with each jump. 10 * (Power + 1) 15 * (Power + 1) 20 * (Power + 1) 25 * (Power + 1) If the hero has Master of Storms ability, the first enemy unit struck with this spell is stunned.
Chain lightning, at basic level, is cast by sky daughters. Icon-H5X2
Spell Meteor shower Meteor shower 19 Deals massive Earth damage to all creatures in 5x5 area. 9 * (Power + 1) 12 * (Power + 1) 15 * (Power + 1) 20 * (Power + 1) Meteor shower, at basic level, is cast by pit lords.

Level 5[]

Number of spells: 3
Icon Name Mana cost Description Skill level Notes
Unskilled Basic Advanced Expert
Spell Deep freeze Deep freeze
11 Freezes the target, immediately inflicting Water damage and causing it to suffer increased physical damage during a certain amount of time due to frostbites. 10 * (Power + 1) 14 * (Power + 1) 15 * (Power + 1) 30 * (Power + 1) If the hero has Master of Ice ability, the enemy target struck with this spell is frozen. Cold Death ability kills at least one creature with this spell.
1% * (Power + 1) increased physical damage 3% * (Power + 1) increased physical damage
Spell Armageddon Armageddon 20 Deals Fire damage to all creatures and war machines on a battlefield. Creatures standing in the center of the battlefield (in a 4x4 area) suffer extra physical damage, which ignores magic or fire resistances. If the hero has Master of Fire ability, the targets struck with this spell have 50% Defense reduced. This spell deals half damage to units with fire resistance ability. 9 * (Power + 1) Fire damage 12 * (Power + 1) Fire damage 15 * (Power + 1) Fire damage 30 * (Power + 1) Fire damage
5 * (Power + 1) physical damage 10 * (Power + 1) physical damage 15 * (Power + 1) physical damage 20 * (Power + 1) physical damage
Spell Implosion Implosion 18 Deals Earth damage to a single targeted enemy unit. 12 * (Power + 1) 17 * (Power + 1) 20 * (Power + 1) 40 * (Power + 1) Cuirass of the Dwarven Kings grants immunity to this spell.