Might and Magic Wiki

Destructive Magic is a skill in Heroes of Might and Magic V.


Destructive Magic skill allows the learning of Destructive Magic spells of the third and above level. Barbarians cannot learn Destructive magic or any subskills, instead learning Shatter Destruction.

  • Basic Destructive Magic allows hero to learn Destructive Magic spells of the third circle and makes Destructive Magic more effective overall.
  • Advanced Destructive Magic allows hero to learn Destructive Magic spells of the fourth circle and makes Destructive Magic even more effective.
  • Expert Destructive Magic allows hero to learn Destructive Magic spells of the fifth circle and gives maximum power to Destructive Magic.

Skill rates[]

The hero classes can learn Leadership skill and its abilities at following probabilities:


Icon Name Description Class Requirements
Original / Hammers of Fate Tribes of the East
H5MasterofFire Master of Fire Grants armor-damaging effect to Fireball, Firewall, and Armageddon spells. Creatures affected by these spells suffer additional -50% defense penalty. All classes (except Barbarian) No requirement
H5MasterofIce Master of Ice Grants freezing effect to Ice Bolt, Circle of Winter, and Deep Freeze spells. All classes (except Barbarian) No requirement
H5MasterofStorms Master of Storms Grants stunning effect to Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning (first target only) spells. All classes (except Barbarian) No requirement
H5ColdDeath Cold death Makes hero's casting of the spells Ice Bolt, Circle of Winter and Deep Freeze more powerful. Those spells will always deal bonus damage required to kill at least one creature in the target stack (if that creature has no Immunity to Cold) in addition to the normal spell damage. Necromancer Master of Ice
Demon Lord, Knight, Ranger, Runemage, Warlock, Wizard N/A Master of Ice
H5FieryWrath Fiery wrath When attacking, the troops led by the hero will inflict an additional Fire damage that equals to 10% of the damage inflicted by this attack (enemies who have Immunity to Fire suffer no additional damage). Knight Master of Fire, expert trainer
Wizard Sap magic, Mark of the Wizard Secrets of Destruction
Demon Lord, Necromancer, Ranger, Runemage, Warlock N/A
Barbarian N/A
(ability from this skill is shared with Shatter Destruction skill)
H5ManaBurst Mana burst The hero calls upon the forces of fire to affect enemy casters. Any time an enemy creature casts a spell it will receive damage ten times the hero's level. Ranger Master of Fire
Demon Lord Arcane brilliance, hellfire Master of Fire
Runemage Ignite
Warlock Secrets of Destruction, retribution
Knight, Necromancer, Wizard N/A
H5SapMagic Sap magic Damage dealt by enemy spells is reduced by 20%. Wizard Magic mirror
Runemage N/A Ignite, refresh rune
Demon Lord, Knight, Necromancer, Ranger, Wizard Master of Storms
H5SearingFires Searing fires Searing Fires improves Hellfire ability. Fire damage dealt to enemy creatures by Hellfire ability is increased by 50%. Demon Lord Master of Fire, hellfire
H5SecretsofDestruction Secrets of Destruction Hero gains +2 knowledge permanently and randomly aquires one damaging spell of first to third circle that is not yet in hero's spellbook. Necromancer Cold death, arcane excellence Master of Fire
Ranger Mana burst, imbue arrow
Warlock Dark ritual
Knight, Runemage, Wizard N/A
H5Ignite Ignite
Fire spells cast by the hero in combat will ignite enemies, inflicting 100% of current spell damage to the target over the next three rounds. Runemage Master of Fire Secrets of Destruction
Demon Lord, Knight, Necromancer, Ranger, Runemage, Warlock, Wizard N/A

