Might and Magic Wiki

The dendroid guard is the fifth-tier creature of the Rampart faction in Heroes of Might and Magic III. It can be recruited from the dendroid arches. The dendroid guard can be upgraded to the dendroid soldier.

Slow and powerful dendroids bash their opponents with their wooden limbs. Those attacked by denroids are snared in tangling roots and bound in place until the dendroids move or are killed.OffBck

With its high defense and hit points, the dendroid guard is a solid addition to the Rampart army. The low speed makes it unsuited for charges, and it should remain in the back to protect weaker troops. It will slow down any army it travels with, and is perhaps better used to protect towns.


  • Ryland is a specialist in dendroid guards, and gives them +1 to Attack and Defense per hero level after fifth level. These creatures also get +1 to Speed.


Basic creatures
Centaur · Dwarf · Wood elf · Pegasus · Dendroid guard · Unicorn · Green dragon
Upgraded creatures
Centaur captain · Battle dwarf · Grand elf · Silver pegasus · Dendroid soldier · War unicorn · Gold dragon