Might and Magic Wiki

Demonology is a secondary skill in Heroes of Might and Magic IV. It increases the efficiency of Death Magic spells, specifically poison, raise skeletons, animate dead, life drain, plague, raise ghost, death call, Hand of Death and raise vampires.

Demonology is related to secondary skill Death Magic.




Basic Demonology increases the effectiveness of Death Magic spells by 20%. If the hero has learned Basic nature magic, it also lets them add summon imps spell in their spellbook. It requires the hero to learn Advanced Death Magic.

This skill allows the hero to learn:



Advanced Demonology increases the effectiveness of Death Magic spells by 40%. If the hero has learned Advanced nature magic, it also lets them add summon cerberi spell in their spellbook. It requires the hero to learn Expert Death Magic and Basic Demonology.



Expert Demonology increases the effectiveness of Death Magic spells by 60%. If the hero has learned Expert nature magic, it also lets them add summon ice demons spell in their spellbook. It requires the hero to learn Advanced Demonology.

This skill allows the hero to learn:



Master Demonology increases the effectiveness of Death Magic spells by 80%. If the hero has learned Basic nature magic, it also lets them add summon venom spawn spell in their spellbook. It requires the hero to learn Master Death Magic and Expert Demonology.



Grandmaster Demonology increases the effectiveness of Death Magic spells by 100%. If the hero has learned Basic nature magic, it also lets them add summon devils spell in their spellbook. It requires the hero to learn Master Demonology.

This is the final level of Demonology skill. This skill allows the hero to learn:


The efficiency of Death Magic spells can further be boosted through having:

  • an infernal effigy grail structure built in a Necropolis town
  • right arm artifact Staff of Death equipped
  • cloak artifact cloak of darkness equipped Icon-H4X1
  • sorcery skill (only for damaging spells)

On the other hand, the Death Magic spells are inefficient when targeting enemy creatures with Death ward ability; either the units can resist such spells (curses category) or they take less damage (damaging spells category).
