Might and Magic Wiki
Might and Magic Wiki
For the skill, see Dark Magic (H5).

Dark Magic is a school of magic appearing in Heroes of Might and Magic V.


Level 1[]

Number of spells: 3
Icon Name Mana cost Description Skill level Notes
Unskilled Basic Advanced Expert
Spell Weakness Weakness / Mass weakness 4 Causes the selected enemy unit to inflict less damage in combat. Spellpower determines the duration of effect. 50% decrease of max. damage to min. damage 65% decrease of max. damage to min. damage 80% decrease of max. damage to min. damage 100% decrease of max. damage to min. damage Weakness, at expert level, is cast by archliches. It is inflicted by spectral dragons, death knights and shadow matriarchs at basic level. This spell, along with vulnerability, at advanced level with Spell Power 5, is inflicted by the moat the battlefield when a Necropolis town is besieged. Raven is a specialist in this spell, where it also decreases targeted enemy's defenses by 1 per three hero levels. The hero can cast this spell on all enemy units with Master of Curses ability, but with double the cost.
It is also inflicted by earth daughters, mummies and shadow mistresses. Icon-H5X2
Spell Slow Slow / Mass slow 4 Makes target enemy stack take fewer actions in combat. 25% Initiative decrease 30% Initiative decrease 35% Initiative decrease 40% Initiative decrease Slow, at advanced level, is cast and inflicted by shadow witches and its upgrade, shadow matriarchs. The hero can cast this spell on all enemy units with Master of Mind ability, but with double the cost. Greaves of the Dwarven Kings grants immunity to this spell.
It is also cast, at advanced level, by shamans and its upgrades, sky daughters or earth daughters. It is inflicted by earth daughters, mummies and shadow mistresses. Icon-H5X2
Spell Sorrow Sorrow
5 Decreases morale and luck of selected enemy creature. -1 Morale and Luck -2 Morale and Luck -3 Morale and Luck -4 Morale and Luck It is inflicted by ghost dragons.

Level 2[]

Number of spells: 2
Icon Name Mana cost Description Skill level Notes
Unskilled Basic Advanced Expert
Spell Vulnerability Vulnerability / Mass vulnerability 5 Destroys armor of target enemy stack, reducing its defense. Can be cast several times on a single stack, but defense will not go lower than zero. -3 Defense -4 Defense -5 Defense -6 Defense Vulnerability, at advanced level, is cast by pit fiends and their upgrade, pit lords, as well as shadow witches and its upgrade, shadow matriarchs. Faiz is a specialist in this spell, where he can inflict Air damage to the targeted unit. This spell, along with weakness, at advanced level with Spell Power 5, is inflicted by the moat the battlefield when a Necropolis town is besieged. The hero can cast this spell in a 4x4 area with Master of Pain ability, but with double the cost.
It can also be cast, at advanced level, by shadow mistresses. It is inflicted by mummies and earth daughters. Icon-H5X2
Spell Decay Decay / Mass decay 6 The stack receives Earth damage each time it takes an action. Decay damage is 8 * (Power + 4). 2 turn duration 3 turn duration 4 turn duration 5 turn duration Decay, at advanced level, is cast by archliches. Lethos is a specialist in this spell, where he can cast this spell (on random multiple enemies) just before the combat starts. The hero can cast this spell in a 4x4 area with Master of Curses ability, but with double the cost.

Level 3[]

Number of spells: 2
Icon Name Mana cost Description Skill level Notes
Unskilled Basic Advanced Expert
Spell Confusion Confusion / Mass confusion 9 Makes creatures in target enemy stack forget what they are doing on a battlefield. Some of the affected creatures will forget to use shooting attacks and retaliation strikes. 50% of stack affected 70% of stack affected 90% of stack affected 100% of stack affected Confusion, at no level, is cast by shadow matriarchs. The hero can cast this spell on all enemy units with Master of Mind ability, but with double the cost. Alastor is a specialist in this spell, where upon casting this spell, he can also reduce the enemy's mana by 1 point per level.
It is also cast, at expert level, by mummies, as well as shadow mistresses, at no level. Icon-H5X2
Spell Suffering Suffering / Mass suffering 5 Makes creatures in target enemy stack forget what they are doing on a battlefield. Some of the affected creatures will forget to use shooting attacks and retaliation strikes. -3 Attack -6 Attack -9 Attack -12 Attack Suffering, at advanced level, is cast by archliches. The hero can cast this spell on all enemy units with Master of Curses ability, but with double the cost. The hero can also inflict this spell on enemy creatures through Weakening strike ability.
It is also cast, at advanced level, by lich masters. It is inflicted by mummies and earth daughters. Icon-H5X2

Level 4[]

Number of spells: 2
Icon Name Mana cost Description Skill level Notes
Unskilled Basic Advanced Expert
Spell Frenzy Frenzy 15 Drives target stack of creatures frenzy. Frenzied stack considers all other creatures and war machines its personal enemies and attacks the nearest one with increased minimal and maximal damage. 1 turn duration 2 turn duration This effect cannot be removed with cleansing. It is inflicted by shadow matriarchs. Shield of the Dwarven Kings grants immunity to this spell.
1% * Power increased damage 2% * Power increased damage 3% * Power increased damage It is also inflicted by shadow mistresses. A Stronghold unit gains twice the normal amount of Blood Points under the effect of this spell. Icon-H5X2
Spell Blindness Blindness 10 Blinds the selected enemy creature so that it cannot move, attack or use any abilities. Blindness is dispelled if the affected creature is attacked. Affected target can retaliate Affected target cannot retaliate Helm of the Dwarven Kings grants immunity to this spell. Fire trap is set on the battlefield as a moat when an Academy town is besieged, and inflicts blindness spell upon being triggered.
15% * Power turn duration 20% * Power turn duration 25% * Power turn duration Blindness is cast by zealots. However, this spell is removed from their spellbook in Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East expansion pack. Icon-H5X1

Level 5[]

Number of spells: 3
Icon Name Mana cost Description Skill level Notes
Unskilled Basic Advanced Expert
Spell Puppet master Puppet master 18 Gives the hero temporary control over selected enemy unit. The spell does not work on undead, elemental and mechanical units. Unit under this spell can't counter-attack. The targeted creature remains under the caster control for 0.25 * Power turns. Only one unit can be controlled by the hero. In addition, the affected target gains Initiative (which is capped at 100% increase). 1% * Power Initiative increase 3% * Power Initiative increase Prior to patch 1.3, the hero could recast puppet master for other enemy stacks.
15% * Power turn duration 20% * Power turn duration 25% * Power turn duration
Spell Curse of the Netherworld Curse of the Netherworld 15 Deals Water damage to all creatures on a battlefield, except infernal and undead creatures. 4 * (Power + 1) 3 * (Power + 4) 6 * (Power + 5) 12 * (Power + 12) Master of Pain ability gives the hero gains +4 Spell Power when casting this spell.
Spell Vampirism Vampirism
10 Selected friendly creature gets all Undead attributes and the ability to drain life, just like vampires. The unit gains health proportionally to the damage it deals, but not above the Hit Points it had at the start of the combat. 2% * (Power + 5) healed 2% * (Power + 10) healed 2% * (Power + 15) healed 2% * (Power + 25) healed Vampirism cannot be cast on mechanical or elemental creatures. This spell stacks with vampires' Life Drain ability.