Shadow tendrils coil around an enemy stack to drain its lifeforce. The victim is dealt X damage (Dark) every time it is about to do an action for 3 turns. Only affects living creatures.
Cooldown: 3 turns.
Mana cost: 15
Dark magic I
(passive, adventure)
Hero gains 3 Magic Power (Dark).
(active, combat)
Decreases target's Morale by X for 4 turns. Dispels all positive effects affecting Morale from the target.
Cooldown: 2 turns.
Mana cost: 15
Life drain
(active, combat)
Attacks of the target friendly stack drains the lifeforce of living targets for 3 turns. Restores its Health by 25% of the damage dealt.
Cooldown: 3 turns.
Mana cost: 20
(active, combat)
Reduces Damage of target enemy creature by X% for 5 turns.
Mana cost: 10
Tier II[]
Tier II abilities require hero level 5 or higher.
Number of abilities: 6
Agony, mass
(active, combat)
Shadow tendrils coil around all enemy stacks to drain their lifeforce. The victims are dealt X damage (Dark) every time they are about to do an action for 3 turns. Only affects living creatures.
Cooldown: 3 turns.
Mana cost: 45
Dark magic II
(passive, adventure)
Hero gains 3 Magic Power (Dark). (Dark magic I ability required)
Despair, mass
(active, combat)
Decreases Morale of all the enemy stacks by X for 4 turns. Dispels all positive effects affecting Morale from all enemy creatures. (Despair ability required)
Cooldown: 4 turns.
Mana cost: 40
Life drain, mass
(active, combat)
Attacks of all friendly stacks drains the lifeforce of living targets for 3 turns. Restores their Health by X% of the damage dealt. (Life drain ability required)
Cooldown: 3 turns.
Mana cost: 45
(active, combat)
Dispels all positive effects from enemy creatures in the target area and makes them immune to positive effects for X turns.
Cooldown: 4 turns.
Mana cost: 30
Weakness, mass
(active, combat)
Reduces Damage of all enemy creatures by X% for 5 turns. (Weakness ability required)
Cooldown: 3 turns.
Mana cost: 40
Tier III[]
Tier III abilities require hero level 15 or higher.
Number of abilities: 4
Dark magic III
(passive, adventure)
Hero gains 3 Magic Power (Dark). (Dark magic II ability required)
Puppet master
(active, combat)
The Hero gains temporary control over the target enemy stack for 2 turns. If the victim takes damage, the effect is dispelled.
Target enemy stack is confronted with a vision of their worst nightmare. It forces them to run away in fear, moving away from the Hero's army. In addition they skip their next turn and are affected by Terror for turns. (-X% Damage, -X Morale and Luck, +% vulnerability to Might and Magic effects)
Cooldown: 3 turns.
Mana cost: 45
Agony master (Specialization) - Receives Agony by default with 10% bonus damage
Master of Darkness (Specialization) - Increases the effectiveness of Magic (Dark) by 6%
Heart of Darkness (Neck Artifact) - Damage (Dark) spells deal 20% more damage
Nameless staff (Dynasty Weapon) - Level 3: +10% efficiency for Dark Magic
Soulreaver staff (Dynasty Weapon) - Dark Affinity: Increases Magic Power (Dark) by 5. Mana cost of all Dark spells is reduced by 10%.