Might and Magic Wiki
Might and Magic Wiki
For the magical school in other games, see Dark Magic.

Dark Magic is a skill in Heroes of Might and Magic V.


Dark Magic skill allows the learning of Dark Magic spells of the third and above level. Barbarians cannot learn Dark magic or any subskills, instead learning Shatter Dark.

  • Basic Dark Magic allows hero to learn Dark Magic spells of the third circle and makes Dark Magic more effective overall.
  • Advanced Dark Magic allows hero to learn Dark Magic spells of the fourth circle and makes Dark Magic even more effective.
  • Expert Dark Magic allows hero to learn Dark Magic spells of the fifth circle and gives maximum power to Dark Magic.

Skill rates[]

The hero classes can learn Dark Magic skill and its abilities at following probabilities:


Icon Name Description Class Requirements
Original / Hammers of Fate Tribes of the East
H5MasterofCurses Master of Curses Grants mass versions of Weakness and Suffering spells, but at double the casting cost of these spells. Hero wastes only half of their current initiative to cast these spells. All classes (except Barbarian) No requirement
H5MasterofMind Master of Mind Grants mass versions of Slow and Confusion spells, but at double the casting cost of these spells. Hero wastes only half of their current initiative to cast these spells. All classes (except Barbarian) No requirement
H5MasterofPain Master of Pain Grants mass versions of Decay and Vulnerability spells, but at double the casting cost of these spells. Hero wastes only half of their current initiative to cast these spells. Adds +4 to effective spellpower of Curse of the Netherworld spell. All classes (except Barbarian) No requirement
H5CorruptedSoil Corrupted soil The hero calls upon forces of nature to affect enemy melee-attacking creatures. Any time an enemy creature moves it will receive some damage. Inflicted damage equals three times hero's level. Ranger Master of Pain
Necromancer Dark revelation Master of Pain
Knight, Ranger, Runemage, Warlock, Wizard N/A
Demon Lord Master of Pain, weakening strike
Barbarian N/A
(ability from this skill is shared with Shatter Dark skill)
H5DarkRenewal Dark renewal Should it happen that any magic spell is resisted by target, the hero gains back all the mana spent to cast that spell. Demon Lord Master of Mind, weakening strike Master of Curses
Warlock Master of Mind
Wizard Seal of Darkness, fiery wrath
Knight, Ranger, Runemage N/A
Necromancer Master of Curses, Master of Pain, Mark of the Necromancer
H5FallenKnight Fallen knight Dedicated to learning all the secrets of Dark Magic, the Knight becomes a pariah among their kind. Troops under Knight's control suffer -1 penalty to morale, but all Dark Magic spells cast by the Knight are now more powerful (effective spellpower is +5 for casting those spells). Knight Master of Curses Retaliation strike
H5SealofDarkness Seal of Darkness Enemy hero is forced to spend twice more mana to cast Dark Magic spells in combat. Wizard Master of Mind Magic mirror
Ranger Corrupted soil, imbue arrow Master of Mind
Demon Lord, Knight, Necromancer, Runemage, Warlock N/A
H5WeakeningStrike Weakening strike Any standard hero's attack applies the effect of Suffering spell to the target. Demon Lord Mark of the Damned
Knight Fallen knight, Aura of Swiftness Fallen knight
Barbarian N/A
(ability from this skill is shared with Shatter Dark skill)
H5ShrugDarkness Shrug Darkness
Enemy Dark Magic spells will be cast with only 50% of effective Spellpower. Runemage Master of Curses Master of Mind
Demon Lord, Knight, Necromancer, Runemage, Warlock N/A


  • Tome of Dark Magic lets the hero cast all Dark Magic spells, with this skill's ability bonuses applied. Icon-H5X1