The Crystal Pendulum is a large, wagon-mounted pendulum appearing in the Price of Peace campaign in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.
King Gavin Magnus placed the magical Rainbow Crystal he had aquired as the centerpiece of a great magical pendulum, and when he set it spinning, anyone who came within a certain distance of it fell under his will.
The Pendulum first appears in the An Unusual Betrayal scenario. The young knight Reed tells queen Emilia Nighthaven of Great Arcan that their foe, the genie Solmyr, came to his home town, seated in the back of a wagon. Standing in the back of the wagon was the crystal pendulum, and Emilia's friend Lord Landrew, along with his forces, came under the pendulum's control.
King Magnus could use the Pendulum to steal the will of anyone who opposed him, and planned to take over the world, placing everyone under the Pendulum's control to bring everlasting peace and order.
The genie Solmyr, fearing the Pendulum's power, joined forces with his former foe Queen Emilia, and they learned that the Mind Shield could protect them from the Crystal's power. Protected by the Mind Shield, they battled Magnus' armies. Solmyr destroyed the Pendulum with a Lightning Bolt and both the Rainbow Crystal and Magnus' mind were shattered. Everyone who had been under the Crystal's control was returned to normal.
Great Arcan |
Personnel and benefactors |
Bozilast · Companions of Emilia · Daeraphena · Eddwil· Emilia Nighthaven · Gavin Magnus · Tharj Orcsplitter · Holman · Koelox · Lady Miranda · Lord Bloth · Lord Oliver · Lord Landrew · Mazellian · Old King Dreggar · Reed · Sir Mardor · Solmyr ibn Wali Barad · The Sapper Brothers |
Notable territories and cities |
Asp Isle · Arcania · Brookside |
Relevant terms |
Armor of Order · Black Dragon Graveyard · Crystal Pendulum · Dragon golem · Dwarf · Gold golem · Mind Shield · Red dwarf · Sword of the Gods · The Rainbow Crystal |
Relevant games |
Heroes of Might and Magic IV |