Might and Magic Wiki

The cerberus is a second-level creature of the Necropolis in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.

The three-headed cerberi can attack up to 3 adjacent enemies simultaneously. These enemies cannot retaliate against a cerberus attack.OffBck


The cerberus is more vulnerable than the Ghost, having much less defense, but its abilities allow it to do more damage. Use them aggressively, and take down the enemy before they can fight back.


AbilityNoRetaliationIV No Retaliation
This creature's No Retaliation ability allows it to attack without any chance of retaliation.
Ability3HeadedAttackIV 3-Headed Attack
With the 3-Headed Attack all enemies standing to the left, front and right of the creature are attacked simultaneously.

Town creatures
Skeleton · Imp · Ghost · Cerberus · Vampire · Venom spawn · Bone dragon · Devil
Dwelling creatures
Zombie · Gargoyle · Mummy · Ice demon · Dark champion (TGS)