Might and Magic Wiki
CelesteMM7 map


Celeste is a region in Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor. It is a city in the clouds that is the home of Gavin Magnus and his advisors, the good members of the Terran ultimate adventurers.

Characters that follow the Path of Light must go here to get their main quests, while those that follow the Path of Darkness must go to The Pit.

Map guide[]

  1. To the Bracada Desert.
  2. The Hallowed Sword: Weapon shop. Location of Charles.
  3. Armor of Honor: Armor shop. Location of Cuthbert.
  4. Trial of Honor: Training grounds. Location of Nero.
  5. Material Wealth: Bank. Location of Riyan.
  6. The Blessed Brew: Tavern. Location of Joseph.
  7. The Walls of Mist.
  8. Fountain that provides +25 temporarily to all attributes, as well as hit points and spell points.
  9. Home of Rebecca Devine, who offers the Purify the Altar of Evil quest.
  10. Home of Helena Morningstar, who teaches master Light Magic.
  11. Home of Lori Winterbright, who sells membership to the Air guild.
  12. Hall of Dawn: Town hall. Location of Icarus.
  13. Castle Lambent.
  14. Paramount Guild of Air: Spell guild. Location of Summer.
  15. Guild of Enlightenment: Spell guild. Location of Therin.
  16. Phials of Faith: Magic shop. Location of Julian.
  17. Esoteric Indulgences: Magic shop. Location of Bernard.
  18. Temple of Light: Healing temple. Location of Bethyn.
  19. Location of Resurrectra.
  20. Location of Crag Hack.
  21. Location of Robert the Wise.
  22. Location of Sir Caneghem.




  • Trap value: 40
  • Steal value: 10
  • Perception: 40

